Etopic Pregnancy

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Does anyone really know anything about this


  • What r u wantin to know I had a ectopic april 28th 2010 it was removed by emergency surgery and they also removed my left tube that is ruptured
  • What is it you want to no hun? Its where the egh implants in the falopian (spelling) tubes. X
  • Actually in a ectopic pregnany the egg can implant either in the tube or the abdomal area ....just let me know what it is u r wantin to know I am a ob gyn nurse and I'm sure I can answer ur question
  • edited March 2011
    @skyeblu don't compete with her your going to be wrong
  • I am just really scared. I am 6wks 1 day. My hcg levels are 1100 but they can't see anything. The ER doctor told me that he believes that I
  • A ectopic and wants me to follow up tomorrow
  • It could be but at that point of pregnancy a ultrasound tech should be able to see a buldge in a tube how bad is the pain and where exactly is it located I remember when I had mine it was so bad I could even get myself off the floor also r u bleeding
  • She didn't see anything int the tube, or anywhere else I guess. It more like severe gas pains. We she was doing to internal it hurt a lot on my right side. No bleeding
  • Ok it may just be nothing then cause if it is ectopic u would be in severe pain like labor mine was worse than labor and I have pushed out two 9 lb boys with no pain meds if that tells u how bad it hurts
  • Ok. Thanks :) that makes me feel better.
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