Can't wait any longer

I have been 2cm for two weeks now. Contractions all through out the day and plenty of cervical pain accompanied by lots of pressure. With ask of that I can handle being pregnant, but I also have 3 other babies and its hard to physically manage it all. Are there any suggestions that can help me dilate, go into active labor our anything? Please no bashing, my doctor offered to induce but I want to try to have her without pitocin!


  • Walking. Sex and Castor oil is what I have heard. Never tried any of them. At least with the Castor oil u wouldn't have to worry as much about pooping while pushing.
  • Raspberry leaf tea
  • Sex worked for me. Also, I squatted a lot in the last couple of weeks because I found it comfortable, but i'm sure it helped put pressure on my cervix. Don't do that unless you know your baby is in the right position though!
  • ive heard of ginger and coffee? im drinking ginger ale right now lol
  • Thanks! And I have never heard if the ginger before so that's a new one : )
  • @LillieBug if u drink caster oil to get labor u really wont poop y is that
  • Bc it will make u poop before the pushing stage so you would be less likely to poop during the delivery
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