Not gaining any weight but eating like a pig!!!??

edited March 2011 in August 2011
How is it possible to be eating like a pig and not be gaining any weight? I had gained a total of 4 lbs and I'm 19 weeks and now I've lost 3 so I'm back to a gain of 1lb??? Now I'm not a little girl, I'm curvy with a thicker build so its not like i have trouble gaining weight and I'm not just eating fruits & veggies i eat like 3 milkshakes a freakin week and my belly is pretty big so I'm totally confused! Maybe my lil muffin is a piglet too??


  • I know what youu mean I eat a whole lot and have only gained 1 pound and I'm 16 weekss
  • I feel you! I'm down 3lbs at almost 16 weeks. I chalk it up to my greedy little munchkin sterling all the calories. In cool with that!
  • ***stealing
  • Me too...ive actually lost weight but my baby is healthy!!!

  • I'm almost 18 weeks and have gained anything but have been eat sweets like crazy... I guess I should be happy? :)
  • I'm very petite and haven't gained any weight, though I eat all the time. I'm only 13 wks. :(
  • I lost weight at the beginning of my pregnancy then when i hit 30 35 weeks that's when you put the weight on faster !
  • I wouldn't worry about, im in same boat. Dr said that u gain majority of weight in last I wouldn't be trying to put on weight til then, eat healthy! Im 19wks and only gained 4 too!
  • Im 18 weeks and have lost 10 lbs. I gain a couple pounds but then go back. My dr is worried but my nutritionist said I still have months to gain the weight.
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