craving dairy queen..

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I seen on here once that soft serve ice cream wasn't good for pregnant women.anyone know if that's true? I just want a blizzard reallllllly bad but don't wanna eat one if its bad for me. Advice please :)


  • I had a blizzard last week when I was n Vegas. Omg, it was so good. I'm so sick of hearing don't eat this, can't eat that. I've eattin whatever I've wanted n past pregnancy n my kids r fine!
  • all us milk and ice cream is pastuerized so eat on lil mama i have a milkshake like three times a week
  • I know what ya mean, like lunch meat and all the crap. I asked my dr and lunch meat was fine! Lol but thanks girls! I'll on my way to DQ :)
  • o now i want a moolatte
  • I get hot if I don't get my dq I have it once are twice a week. Just like crabs I'm waiting for them to go on sale so I can eat some.
  • The only reason is because of listeria again and its the mechiens that cause it in soft serve its a bunch of crap if u ask me
  • Omg I wish there was a dairy queen in my area.. are there any in new york state cause I would kill for a strawberry sundae right now!!!
  • Lol yummy that sounds goood
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