Took a test, results: negative. He said it may be too early. (idk how when my period is two weeks late.) Drew my blood and now I have to wait 7 days for the results.. I pray it comes out good.
7 days! Seriously! The longest I've ever heard is 48 hours. My obgyn office gets back to you within 4 hours of blood and 1 hour for urine! I hope you get your BFP, but wow, 7 days is a long time to wait.
@KayleeAndAmaiyasmommy at first they said 10 days, than the other nurse said 7 days. They aren't really a prenatal doctors office, I also do not have the best insurance so I guesss that's why I have to wait so long..
I work at a doctors office and if they drew ur blood early in the day they have the results the next day. If u got the blood drawn later in the day I'd say call Monday morning to get the results. If they r open on Saturdays call Saturday. It doesn't take 7 days!
@newmomma15 they said the weekends shouldn't be counted, I got blond taken out at 5:25pm today. Its just frustrating, I will for sure call monday morning, even my sister asked why so long. They gave us no answer..
@lovelymarie I would definitely call Monday then because they should have the results We send our labs to an outside lab to be read n it doesn't take 7 days. They r prolly just saying that so they wont have to call you
I agree with @newmomma15 hun. You don't need to wait 7 days. Tuesday should be the latest they have your results but I would call Monday morning/afternoon. hope you get your positive!
We send our labs to an outside lab to be read n it doesn't take 7 days. They r prolly just saying that so they wont have to call you