what should i do i just want to cry!! :'(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So this doesn't have to do with anything but my relationship. so me and the hubby had a nice day well hid cousin asked if we could pick him up to take him to his storage and so we went. Well his cousin gets high and I'm not OK with drugs at all not with me or the hubby. I will leave a man after some bad experiences in my life. he used to get high but not any more. Well they went to the storage but I waited and they got high I know he did I see it in his eyes. Now idk What to do!!! I just want to cry I'm so disappointed!


  • i would be a little disappointed to, just sit down and have a talk with him .. tell him exactly how your feeling, im pretty sure he would understand especially since your carrying his child.. hope you feel better. :)
  • @gorgeousevie Thanks he just a jackass I kinda don't want to talk to him really with me 5ft away how am I supposed to trust him when he is gone?
  • Me too I agree. Talk to him first but let him know that u already know what he did. Just so he doesn't make it worse and try to lie
  • Not somethin u wanna hear but some guys think before baby they will do anything they can't after. Mine when o was prego wit my daughter drank so much I think the toilet got drunk off his pee. He said I'm drinkin for the time I won't b able to.
  • I want to but I feel horrible idk I'm sorry I'm just hurt but u girls r right I need to but we r still with his cousin idk what to do?
  • @mommyto1soontobe2 Well if he thinks that way I'm not going to put up with it! I can't do it I'm sorry. I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself but I think I deserve better
  • @Jess_Jude i dont blame you for feeling the way you do . i guess all of our baby fathers decide to act up some type during the pregnancy .

    @mommyto1soontob its funny cause that what my boyfriend told me when i was 2 months.. its so silly how men think sometimes
  • @gorgeousevie I guess maybe I'm just being all emotional and he needs to have some kind of release from my craziness? I guess I was just disappointed? But that's men for u always disappointing
  • @ jess_jude you got that right.. when my bf does something i dont approve of i just ignore him .. cause i hate getting myself worked up especially if it can effect my little one.. i refuse to let him get the best of me .. lol ;; btw how many weeks are you?
  • Hun I would be upset too! I get so aggravated when ppl use drugs especially when a spouse & child are involved. But u do need to talk to him about it. And I'm sure his cousin will have something to say or justify it, but its not up to his cousin :) Good luck!
  • @ gorgeousevie @prayin_4_twins I'm 7 weeks about to be 8. I talked to him he says he wasn't. But him and his cousin got in the car and all they did where laughing at the stupidest stuff his eyes where bloodshot but oh my goodness I'm just hurt and I'm craving ice cream with a Jr Bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's. Idk what to do I think I should go away for a bit and Maybe go eat? Idk am I being emotional?
  • @jess_jude he probably caught contact.. its possible.. you probably are these hormones seem to get the best of us sometimes.. yea why not ? go get your ice cream & cheese burger from wendys, you'll probably feel better after.
  • @gorgeousevie thanks a lot :) I'm probably just stressing because his whole family is kinda iffy. But he probably didn't he promised me he didn't and wanted me to get down but I wasn't feeling to good I was getting some cramps and feeling nauseous. I'm sorry but thanks for ur help I moved cities and don't have any friends out here let any that are pregnant and know how I'm feeling. Thank you :)
  • Men are men if you dont get over an occasional smoke then will u get over him spilling your last cup of milk. I'm not trying to be mean but marijuana would be the least of my worries unless he is spending all his money on it and stealing from u. I think your hormonal. Hell were all hormonal on here So I understand completely! But as long as he knows how u feel leave it alone unless its something he does everyday or behind ur back all the time. Everyone has different beliefs and obviously he doesn't feel the same as u on marijuana if he smoked it. But I'd be thankful it was a lil weed and not heroin or something crazy. I'm not a drug addict but I used to smoke every now and then as a teen. I think if someone has a mind they can put it in front of he matter. Dont worry about it and enjoy your Wendys ;)
  • Noo problem.. Im always here if your need someone to talk to , I lost alot of friends to so theres times I feel the same way
  • Hun, I'm sorry! I'm not prego, but I've been ttc for 17 months, my periods are totally messed up & for some reason I'm. paying drs who aren't really helping......I get very moody lol I think sometimes our guys go all dumb & listen to others before they think. I know a few times I would say to hubby "Why would you do that & @ the least why didn't you tell me?!"(not over anything like drugs bc neither one of has ever done that, I grew up helping raise my bby cousins starting when I was 11 b my stupid cousins who were in their teen yrs, decided drinking & getting high was more fun) but anyway his answer is bc I didn't want u to be mad.......hmmmm really bc now I'm more mad than before! My bestie moved to Tulsa (5hrs from me) bc she was going through a bad divorce....so our best friends are mybm brothers fiance (my bro is in the army & stationed 5hrs away from home) & our parents. We don't have any friends :( That's why I love pregly! I would just sit down w/ him alone & just explain to him how u feel & what u saw. Good luck hun & we are always here ;)
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