Anyone ever experience an ectopic pregnancy?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 7 weeks pregnant and an ectopic pregnancy is my biggest fear! I've been experiencing mild to moderate cramps with and just tonight slight shoulder pain, which from what I read is a sign of it?? Help??


  • My very first one was ectopic. Pain was unbearable for me! Check with ur dr. Asap tto find out, it can be fatal! I hope its all in ur head though. :-)
  • It's my first so everything is making me paranoid I guess. I have an appt Monday so I'll definitely let the doc know. As for pain, its definitely not unbearable its just felt like period cramps, actually a little milder cuz during my period my cramps are horrible!! Thanks though!!
  • hey sweety...i was feeling the same my last post maybe it'll make u feel better..hugs!!
  • @ladicapo Oh Haha I just left u a comment before I even saw this how funny!!
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