is it normal to...

Not feeling the baby kick every single day im only 18 weeks


  • May be too soon to feel every movement.........give it time.....I am sure things are fine.......
  • Whew. I was hoping someone would say that. :) thanks
  • I'm currently 21 weeks an I barely feel my baby move... the doctor says it sleeps a lot at this time when u move around an moves when your sleep or relaxing... so its normal
  • I'm 23 weeks today and started to worry cuz I wasn't feeling her kick as much as I did a couple weeks ago. I did some research and the same happened with others. Turns out it all depends on which way the baby is facing. I think if its facing front you'll feel it more than facing inward. Plus sometimes they'll kick the placenta which just acts like a pillow so u may not feel it really. I'm sure all is fine and they'll get more active as time goes on :)
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