Back 2 the drawing board

edited March 2011 in Trying to conceive
Well gt af today. :'( nxt mth is my last mth 4 a 2011 bby! Gonna stop tryin so hard & just have sex everyday & c if I get results. After nxt mth ima go 2 my doc & make sure im still ovulating.


  • Good luck. Stupid we r ttc (again) thus month too. Lots of people r saying they dont want a xmas baby but i do!!! Hopefully this will b our month. ;)
  • I am sorry to hear that, sweetie! :-( AF is a sneaky little witch with a capital B. I am wishing you the best of luck in the coming month!
  • Thnxs ladies! @mommyof3girls I wouldn't care I just want my baby lol
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