baby not cooperating...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
During my 4d ultrasound today. I ate and drank juice before my appointment and drank water while waiting to make sure she would move for the tech. Well we got in there and she was covered up and she would not budge! I moved and we shook her and yet she was still stubborn. I got to see her face before she turned around and buried herself into my back. Well we didn't get anything done so now I have to go back next week to see if we can get pictures of her. Did anyone have trouble with their 4d ultrasound and if so what did you do to get them to move? I was really excited about the ultrasound and im glad I got to see her beautiful face but im disappointed that I don't have any pictures...


  • Same thing happened to me, except I went in so tech can tell me what I'm having and baby kept legs closed all that time, I moved, shooked, peed, wiggled, u mame it I did it n no uncrossing of legs, I gotta ho back next week too
  • My best friend swore that drinking a little Pepsi (caffiene) right before her u/s got her baby moving, but it didn't work for me... maybe it would work better for you? Good luck! =)
  • Oh that sucks @letysfirst. I think im going to try to drink a smoothie before hand and I made my appointment a little bit earlier to see if that will help.
  • I drank some coke before mine because I was afraid of that happening. When I went right away the lady was able to tell the gender so idk if it was the soda that helped.
  • As soon as we left though she was just bouncing around so she's probably just being a pain in the butt like her dad lol
  • I had the same problem with baby not cooperating! Baby was transverse pretty much the entire time! when baby did finally move, it sat up with crossed legs and fell asleep! This baby is already as stubborn as momma! I'm 21 weeks and 4 days. Not sure when I get another us
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  • I thought drinking orange juice would jump start her but yeah I might have to stop by sonic and get some smoothie in me.
  • My husbands friends wife went and and all they.could get was the baby's butt the whole time! Lol
  • @kayleigh27--its best to go when you normally feel the baby but if your not feeling the baby yet I was told after a full meal is best which is when the babies are most active
  • Im 31 wks so I feel her pretty regularly. She just has her quiet and active moments. She was up all night the night before so idk if that had.anything to do with it.
  • Happened to me...we went in and he was just laying on his stomach and wont want to move...apparently he was sleeping. Did move once in a while but did not want to turn around. :( so we got scheduled for another 4D ultrasound in 4 weeks...hopefully we get better luck next time. Best luck to you too!!
  • Same thing happened with me. I even had a coke before I went. She was facing my back. We tried shaking her to get her to move and all she did was cross her legs at the ankles and wouldn't budge. She tried a 4d and did get her face however her cord was right across her face so I still couldn't see her. The printer was broken so I couldn't get pics anyway. I go back Tuesday for another one and hope she cooperates this time! Im going to eat a good meal before I go because it seems she moves most after I eat. Here's to hoping we all get to see our little ones the next time around! :)
  • edited March 2011
    No, I could never get mines to hold still at my ultrasound! I drank a lot of Orange juice at one and the tech was telling me he wouldn't sit still for a picture, so the next time I just drank water but I was hungry and had some dark mint chocolate in my purse. Haha. He was all over the place! :)
  • Well I hope we get some good pictures next week. Nows she's been moving like crazy. She just doesn't like her picture taken I guess
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