What will you name your baby boy??



  • Benny George Hartig III
  • I'm naming my son Armando Raul. My husband and his two kids all have the same intials. So I want our first kids to also have the same.
  • Devin michael<3.
    Devin for my last name, and michael for my fiances name(:
  • I like layland,laythen,hayden,aiden,,,,and love abel,,,,,,but my husband doesnt like any of the names I do he wants a really comon name I hate that,,ive got 16weeks left so we will see what happens
  • Asher Jeremiah! :)
  • anthony joseph walter :)
  • Aldon James. Bd hated at first but now he loves it. Hope we don't have a girl because I love that name.
  • My first sons name is Ethan Edward (edward being his great grampas name) , and if this ones a boy were thinking nathaniel scott (scott being my fiances name). Im not crazzzy about it but we'll see! Any input?? :) @laurenmarie729I - I like colden (cole) its cute, or very similar colten (colt)
  • I'm thinking Courtney Kendrick or Jordan Davignon
  • Gavin Cruz if we have a boy :)
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