my husband is not helping me!

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
He's not helping me with anything and is causing me so much stress. I'm annoyed and don't know how to talk sense into him!


  • My husband is like that in ways. Guys think us girls are trying to use pregnancy as an excuse and make them do stuff for us. But I would like to see them be pregnant for ten months and Not once ask for help. When I ask my husband to make me something to eat because when I feel sick cooking is just making it worse he acts like I am helpless or to rub my back. When I scratch his every night lol. Some guys are just like that.
  • Haha. Men. Were in the middle/end of remodeling another house and were about to be moving tomorrow and this morning right before he left he says, "So, wash the rest of the dishes and vacuum the whole house and clean the shower/tub and the rest of the bathroom and mop and then pack the rest of our stuff. Electricity and water will be transferred by 2 today. So, it all needs to be done by then."
    I almost fell over because not only am I 29 weeks I am also sick with bronchitis and a touch of pneumonia and I have pleurisy. I feel horrible and But the time everything is done, I'll be dead.
  • @lovemyboys man that's blot to do. Guys expect so much from us.
  • @due_in_July - Yeah, it is. But he figures since he is out working his 8 in the morning till 8 at night construction job...I should feel fine and up to cleaning and preparing the house for moving. Ahh.
  • Bunch of jerks... mines the same way!! If they would give birth they would freaking die!! Right ladies?
  • Mine was the same way. That's why he is my ex. When I popped my stitches on my csection because he wouldn't carry a basket of clothes for me that was the last straw. Now a single mom of a 2yr old & one on the way with a great guy who warms my car up in the morning & carries everything for me. Some guys are just selfish.
  • Oh my god, it's like we all have the same husband! Mine said last night, and I quote: "if I was pregnant, i'd go to work and suck it up and get through cause I have to work". I was like, "please don't ever say that in front of any other women besides me, because they will never look at you the same..." lol.
  • Your husbands name wouldn't happen to be insensitive jerk cause that's mines name all the that I'm pregnant I see why his last two marriages ain't work......I'm sick as hell right now nausea from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed diarrhea I hurt my back really bad don't know how wouldn't even get off the couch lastnite slept there and have a headache well this morning finally made it to the bed he gone come in the and piss me off on purpose and then I finAlly snap and go to get up to make his ass happy crying while I'm getting up and then he gone say you can lay back down I just wanted to see how sick you really where......cause when people are angry they show how sick they really are.........he makes me so mad.....I'm two seconds away from leaving him......
  • Wow now I know im not alone, ive only been married since aug and found out im prego in nov,,, im 16 weeks and im so ready to leave its bad enought that we had to move to his moms till we got are apartment now he doesnt even want to leave,, it was only suppose to be a month max but now its been 5 months,,,, im ready to flip ive been on my own for so long it just pisses me off an they act like since im home more I need to do everything,,, I live in my bed room cus its not my house,,,and ive been in alot of pain because of my back but tjat dont matter ready to leave if something doesnt change
  • Wow wish I knew about this during my first pregnancy, thought it was just me too! These guys are amazing & not in a good way. Before I had my daughter I had an ectopic pregnancy. I started bleeding at 6 weeks. I asked my now x husband to go to the dr with me & his response was I just took two days off to go golfing I don't have time to go to the dr with you. When our daughter was 3 weeks old I asked him to feed her his response was I have to eat too. It's funny too because no one would ever guess that he would ever say anything like that. He was always very considerate to everyone but me. Oh well live and learn. Im sorry to hear your stories. I hope things get better for you all.
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