Ladies I really need some help

So I had my first prenatal visit yesterday. I was told that I am about 5wks pregnant. I already have a 3yr old son who I had at 28wks due to severe pre eclampsya. I delivered him via c section. Well the midwife I got was a total sweet heart I really liked her. Well she told me that im not a candidate for vaginal delivery and would have to have another c section. Kinda freaked me out, due to my past history with my son she send me for a u/s to check on the baby. Here is where I freak out the most because she couldnt see the baby only a sac. She said that maybe Im just too early but there is a chance I misscarriaged. Im so worried. I want this baby. She took my blood and wants me to go back monday to compare my hcg levels. Have any of you ladies experienced this? Maybe the baby is just too small now to see? Please help. Im going mad.


  • At 5 weeks there's not much to see but a sac. I had an us at 6w3d and saw a sac and only saw a lil blob of a baby when she magnified it as much as she could. Saw the hb but too early to hear it. I am sure u will be ok and its just too early. Good luck!
  • Yes if ur only 5 weeks then i wouldn't worry. Just redo the hcg levels and as long as they double baby is still growing. I finally saw fetal pole with heartbeats at 6w2d
  • Thank u so much @bigmamak and @ eaparker. I know I shouldnt worry so much but I had it so rough when I was pregnant with my son that every little thing is freaking me out. I just hope my lil bean is in there and growing :)
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  • Wow @ashleyfew that must have been scary. Glad the baby is ok. Im not worrying as much anymore I havent had any bleeding what so ever and ive only had minimal cramping as I do have a cyst in my ovary too but they said its small. I just want to hear the heart beat and I will be fine lol
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