i need some advice :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Me and my fiance live with my parents and at first everything was fine and now for some reason my dad has this hate for my fiance, he goes to work and takes care of me the best he can, im 28 weeks and so stressed out! Myfiance does nothing wrong he helps when asked and is always respectful and my dad tells all his friends that hes a pos im so tired of mydad treating him like this what do i do!?


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  • I've tried talking, and it upsets me even more, im definitely not a daddy's girl so having him treat my fiance like this sends me over the edge. He doesn't see him taking care of me as a plus, i wish we could pack up and leavve but money is tight
  • Probably bcuz yall r both living there & have a kid on the way
  • @aidensmommy6911 when you talked to your dad why did he say he was mad. I am sorry but something had to set his off....he didnt just wake up one day and go from being ok with the situation to all of a sudden being mad at your fiance! You may not agree with why he is angry but you still have to respect it.
  • I agree with @clope18. It can get really frustrating having other people living in your house with you. My parents and I get along really well and we had to stay there for 6 weeks once and it was miserable! He also probably thinks if your fiancee were really taking care of you, you'd have your own place. If you guys are contributing to the household finances and cleaning up after yourselves and doing things without being asked, it will make things easier. But I bet it doesn't get better until you're out on your own.
  • Yea we pay rent to my mom as well as pay for cable throughout the house anddo whats asked but my dad will literally find ANYTHING to say shit about jared, my mom doesn't understand it either and its seriously starting to drive me away!
  • your fiance doesnt do anything at all that he knows will irritate your dad? I find it hard to believe that your dad is just making all this up...
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