22 Weeks and Dont Know The Sex

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
We are waiting to know the sex. We have 2 girls so we really want this baby to be a boy. We've bought a green bassinet. Grey carseat with a black stroller its one of the travel systems. Green blankets. Clear pacis. We haven't even talked about baby names really. I think about them and I'm sure my husband does too but we won't pick one till the baby is born. Its so exciting not knowing and being able to announce the sex and the name to everyone when the baby arrives. Not only do we have the arrival of the baby to look foward to we have so much more. Best decision ever to me.


  • Wow, more power to you! I couldn't do it. I would be so anxious.. I couldn't wait till I was 16 weeks to find out.. lol hope you get your boy!
  • Were also not finding out either, it's our first. Were really excited about it but everyone else seems to be giving us a hard time.
  • I'm starting to think i want a surprise but in UK they hardly any neutral clothing at all so just means stress of shopping when baby a couple of days old i don't know :(
  • @kdole3 and @JenniFurrFurr Oh wow, you two have much more patience than I do! :) I am like the proverbial cat - eagerness to fulfill my curiosity is bound to win out sooner than later! The only thing I ever seem to be able to wait on is Christmas. :-)) I can imagine how much excitement it can bring; I wish I wasn't an impatient goober!
  • Lol there are just so few surprises left in the world today I'd like to enjoy this one :)
  • My mom gave me the hardest time when I told her my decision. She's like well tell me the date of your ultrasound so I can at least know I told her no she kept on and on so we dropped it and I just never told her the date of my ultrasound until afterwards. Now she's convinced its a boy and telling ppl that its a boy. As your an adult the true moment of happiness and surprise fades away from Christmas and what other surprises are there in life. This will be a great one.
  • We're having a surprise too. We've bought everything neutral and just a few white and cream baby grows to last the 1st week then we will go gender shopping lol. Although I'm not really into pink or blue. At times I've regretted not finding out esp when loads of people round me are pg and found out. But I only have 8 weeks left and can't wait to announce the sex.
  • Were waiting also!!! im 22 wks too due july 22.... im so glad were waiting! Weve decided on a girls name but still have a bunch of boys names but ww arent telling anyone any names :) Our colors are brownish grey and a tealish green blue. So exciting this is our first and firsr grandchild for botg families! Goodluck to you!
  • @kdole3 my mom did the same she was so pissed we werent finding out abd tried to come to the US. I dont want anyone to know until I can announce it. And I have to hear about it all the time from her and my sisters about not finding out. I don't care tho I know its what I want! :)
  • I'm going to have a surprise as well and I want my boyfriend to tell me if its a boy or a girl when they are delivered. My friend knows what she's having and has a name so even though i'll be excite to meet him and see what he looks like, all there's left to know is "what weight is he?" Something else I would be worried about is the baby arriving and not suiting the name you've picked out and told everyone about!
  • Grant u I already know the sex of my baby. however I am high risk so I have to get frequent u/S's. I am almost 33 weeks and it is so clear that I am having a little boy, even if we decided to wair, I would have known on my own. He is in no way shy of hiding his little boy parts, its literally clear as day. So those of u who r deciding to wait...b very careful looking at the screen during ur u/S's cause u may just discover it on ur own.
  • i am 25 weeks and i still dont know. i didnt decide to wait but i lost my insurance 2 weeks before finding out so i had to wait for the government insurance & bluh bluh.. i feel like i should jus go ahead and wait since i have already waited so long but i am so ready to find out and be able to go buy everything and finally pick the name.. im not a patient person so waiting this long has been killing me. im not a big fan of the neutral colors either.. i go to the dr tuesday so HOPEFULLY i will finally find out =]
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