Besides morning sickness, what other symptoms are apart of pregnancy??

soo besides the morning sickness, and head aches and all of the other beatuiful sicknesses and pain that comes along with your beautiful miracles... Is full body ache a part of being pregnant??


  • MUscle aches, fatique, stress, changing in emotions/attitude, hunger decrease then increase, frequent peeing, constipation... A lot of stuff, insomnia....
  • i feel like ive been sucker punched in the boobs! lol
  • Oh my where to begin! Sensitive smells constipation hemmroids stuffy nose bleeding gums, sore.boobs sore muscles around belly HEARTBURN dizziness sometimes fatigue
  • I dont think full body ache would be in there...maybe near the end because of tge weight etc. but aches would probly stay around belly, feet, back
  • I'm having sensitivity to things that other people are smelling! My friend told me that she smelled period blood. Gross I know.. I almost threw up!
  • Crazy dreams. Every single night.. I can't get a break.
  • My boobs are so sore and my feet swell at the end of the day. Headaches. The sight of a hotdog almost sent me running. If anything sticks to my throat I puke. Hungry every couple hours and emotional.
  • @BelleBaby11 im aching ALL over, especially my thighs urgh i have to lift them to move! im only 11weeks 3days. I Think it might be cos the babys taking all our nutrients mabey? idk haha
  • @EscoElla I swear I have the craziest dreams!! I thought I was a freaking super hero who wanted freaking TACOS!!!
    @Loubylou I feel the same way especially when I have to get up for work!
  • Im tired alot but mostly early evening & not feeling very hungry are these symptoms? Im hoping i get a bfp as been tryin for 3 1/2 yrs :(
  • im 7dpo and I never get heartburn or constipation and ive had both for 2 days.... very tired. hope to get bfp on april first. has anyone cramped on and off for the whole week after big O? is that a good sign? cant remember with my first child
  • I get vertigo when I lay down, it usually only lasts a few weeks but it majorly sucks. Also this pregnancy I had swelling in my arms that were pressing on my nerves causing pain and tingling in my hands ( had this before I found out I was pregnant). I just seem to get unique symptoms that aren't necessarily in the baby books.
  • I had pregnancy *rhinitis* and it was horrible!!!!!! It just cleared up about a week ago
  • I wish I could help and tell you ladies, but after 3yrs of trying I think I've given myself symptoms and get paranoid every month.. :-$ but good lucky and baby dust to you all
  • My symptoms before i found out was bein dizzy upon standing, being a biatch, not wanting to eat anything and sore boobs almost like pms but 10x worse. After my bfp i had major morning sickness and just a pronounced "hangover" feeling every time i woke up also crazy dreams. Before and after i found out. I felt like i had another life when i went to sleep lol
  • Def weird dreams, heart burn from Hell, GAS!! My poor papi, lol!! I know he dreams bout mustard gas bombs at night cuz of me, Lmao!!
  • Acid reflux(instead of heartburn) aches(back,feet,belly(sometimes),feeling heavy,tired,constipation.
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