To circumcise or not to circumcise.... That is the question
I am having a boy and am basically on my own with the decision making. I have thought long and hard about wether to circumcise or not to circumcise I personally don't think its necessary but with talking to my best friend about her son she thought it would affect him growing up so she had it done. I was wondering how everyone feels about this I also was looking at it from a health standpoint and I don't think it would be safe to cut my son. All opinions are welcome
I still have to get my sons done and hes 4!! But im going to get done soon.
I am leaning towards circumcision.
A lot of the reasons for getting circumcised are myths and the health risks are untrue. My fiance and his brothers were never circumcised. I don't think our baby will be if he's a boy.
I know some people see it differently, but I wouldn't circumcise my little girl. And the reasons for both seem about equal. Except one is more an African tradition and the other is Victorian American. According to the site, one of the reasons it became so popular was to discourage masturbation. It doesn't prevent STDs or other infection. It actually removes the natural protection god gave the penis to keep healthy.