Midwife questions - UK

edited March 2011 in UK
hello, I know it probably varies but just trying to get an idea of when you first saw your midwife - and also what goes on in the first meeting? I presume they do bloods and weight of me and stuff but just wondered if they listen to heartbeat or anything like that? I am a first time amateur at this and the time is going sooooo slooooow!! Any advice appreciated. thanks :)


  • I called the midwife as soon as i found out i was pregnant she seen me a week later yes she done bloods && weighted me i was only 11 weeks pregnant so she book me in for my scan at 14 weeks i had that then heard baby heart beat at 18 weeks :) x
  • Cool thanks, sounds stupid but how do u know who to call? I kind of hoped after going to my gp one would just call me? lol.
    I am hoping my first scan will be on the 12th week, dont think i can bear waiting any longer! Cant wait to hear a heart beat, cant imagine how good that must feel :) x
  • I had that problem lol i went and seen my doctor first & he was stupid didn't do anything lol so i called back up and said can i make an appointment with the midwife & they just booked me in :) i had too wait a couple of weeks for my scan because there was no spaces! X
  • Cool thanks i might give them another call. To be fair the doctor may have explained it all to me when i went but i was so hyper having just found out i think i was just going whoop whoop and not listening, having to transfer to a small doctors surgery now ive moved so midwife will from hospital whereas old docs had their own midwife which would have been easier! :bz
  • Most doctors have there own midwife anyway once you've seen her things should move along pretty quick :) congrats anyways && good luck!! x x
  • Thank you :) i think its just slow until i know there is actually a baby in there and not just a missing prawn or something!
    Good luck to u too and thanks for the advice :) x
  • I saw my midwife at about 8 weeks at the surgery, but that was quite early. I think the doctor got me an early appointment, as I had previously had a miscarriage. I saw the midwife properly at home at about 10 weeks. That was just to see my weight and work out my and my husband's medical history and discuss which blood tests I wanted to have. Scan and blood tests were at 12 weeks. When I had my scan I could see the heart beat, but didn't listen to it. I will see the midwife again at 16 weeks for my blood tests. Hope this helps.
  • That's brilliant thanks, i thought it should be by ten weeks but worried about leaving things too late! I think i will get a New appointment at the New docs and ill go from there. Thanks :)
  • My first midwife appointment was when i was 10 weeks she tried to take bloods but cldnt and then didnt weigh me as she had forgotten her scales! She didnt explain much to me at all! Make sure u wrote down everythin u want to ask an make sure ur happy with the answers u get before u leave! My appointment took over n hr too as there was so much paperwork! Good luck with it!
  • I saw my midwife at around 12 weeks at the local maternity unit. She did my weight, family history, booking blood and general overview of what my care would be like. I didn't hear the heartbeat because normally it's not strong enough to hear with the Sonicaid, or hand held doppler before 14 weeks. I had my first scan at 14 weeks and 3 days. They like to try and do it between 8 and 14 weeks so they can do the nuchal test in combination with the blood test for foetal abnormalities risk. You are usually given your second scan at between 18 and 20 weeks where they check growth and can tell you gender if baby cooperates. This is normally the last scan unless they have concerns later on, or you might have an early scan if you need it. Since then, if you have a normal pregnancy, you are seen about monthly until 34 weeks then you are seen fortnightly till you give birth. This is all explained in The Pregnancy Book you should be given at your first appointment with your midwife. :-) hope this was useful! Congrats!
  • Great advice thanks so much! To be honest i expected to leave doctors with arm full of info but nothing! Only a few weeks til i see someone then that is v good! Thanks all L-)
  • I seen midwife at 6 weeks but i rang docs and said need to confirm pregnancy and receptionist asked if i done test i said i had so she just booked midwife appointment who did my booking in appointment (only did half of it thought- useless) i then moved counties and there had to ring midwife unit who then sent details through post for appointment at local docs which i had at 9 weeks got scan tomorrow at 14 weeks according to an early scan at 11 weeks but said could be +/-5 days though think everywere is slightly different in how they sort appointments out :) xx
  • My midwife is based at my doctors surgery but i booked into to see the doctor first because i didnt realise i was pregnant, he then booked me a u/s at hospital and i had to ring up to book an appointment with my midwife, i was only 5 weeks when i met my midwife and she just took all my details and filled in my green pregnancy notes and asked about medical history in my family and my partners family. She also took my weight and height and a urine sample. I havent got to see her again until im 15 weeks because im very low risk and im healthy. She also referred me to classes for teenagers and young mothers to be. Xx
  • I also had my blood test at 8 weeks and i had to go to the hospital for that, im ten weeks now :)
  • Cool thank you :) i think i am just very imaptient but its all too exciting isnt it, i just want some sort of appointment so i can feel officially excited and up the duffer! lol
    Got my precription and dental exemption card today though, bonus :)
  • Now you've got your exemption card, my advice to you is to book an appointment with the dentists asap. It can take so long to get an appointment and you're more prone to get gum disease when you're pregnant.
  • I saw my doctor as soon as I could get app after taking digital preg test coz I've had complications b4 but he just asked about Lmp so he could give me EDD although mine had been up and down b4 preg and after coming off the pill so really wasn't sure about dates til my scan. Im not sure what usual procedure is as its changed a lot since last time in my area mainly due to shutting down of old hospitals and opening new one since last baby lol midwife app got missed which would have been 10wks by dates 11wks by scan date due to me being in hospital with a bad UTI! So I'm guessing that is normal time to see midwife. But did have to call to make app tho. Had scan at what would have been 12wks 2days going by docs EDD but was told I was a wk further along - found that out by measuring CRL (crown rump length in other words head to bum measurement of baby) heard heart beat on scan also had bloods taken and urine sample done. I also saw consultant but idk if that normal practice as might be coz of previous complications? Go back for blood results and seeing midwife at 15wks. 2nd scan around 20-22wks waiting for date in post and definitely seeing consultant again at next scan and also at 28wks. But every pregnancy different depending on factors such as whether 1st pregnancy age of mum and any previous probs or health issues in family. Hope this helps! Lol just remember everyone is different and if ur worried see ur doc or ask to see mudwife. Good luck! x
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