im 33wks an 6dy an my bbys not movin as much im worried

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
When times like this I make somthin up to get my bby check at hospital buy everything come as hes doin great but he used to be so on the move but not anymore I really want to go hospital to get him check out but as its family that has to take me as Im not drivin right now I feel bad askin them


  • I had the same thing happen. It went on for a few days then he was back to normal. Asked my doc and she said totally normal. Towards the end baby will rest more often and movement won't be as crazy. You may start feeling more rolling movements.
    But if you are concerned contact you doctor.
  • As they get bigger they move less. And instead of huge movements you're more likely to feel lil kicks or jabs. And they start having longer sleeping cycles. As long as you feel some movement through out the day you're fine
  • Now is the time the baby will start sleeping more.. They say as long as you feel at least 10 kicks a day its ok
  • Id say the kick count if your baby doesnt do it all then call a nurse at the ER.
  • If you feel as though something is really wrong you should ask to go, but as the baby gets older n bigger it has alot less room to move around! Plus it's getting all the rest it needs for the big day O:)
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