sooo sloowww!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I am only almost 6 weeks and this is taking forever! Our first ultrasound isn't until April 10th I think. I feel like once we get over this hump and see the baby we will be a little more patient haha is anyone else feeling like its forever? This is my second baby also so it might just be that.


  • I feel the same way and this is my second too. I think its because I found out soo much earlier this time. I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow and my ultrasound is scheduled for the 31st.
  • I found that the earlier I found out the longer the wait seems.
  • I am 6 weeks 4 days and feel so impatient i hate waiting! Just want scan which won't be at least until the end me April so i know its all ok!
  • I am impatiant as well lol. 6.5 weeks with my second and they don't want to listen for the heart told April and no u/s till 6 months (fighting it) I can't wait that long!! I want to hear the heart beat and see if there is one or two.
  • Yeh I definantly here you on that one! Time has seriously stopped. I just want to know that everything gona be okay as last time i had a miscarriage! Dying to tell everyone I'm so happy!!!
  • I'm very impatient..I'm just now today 5 I'm gonna call my doctor for an appointment shooting for the end of the week..seeing that this app says we can hear the hb at 6weeks
  • I'm confused on what the app means on the time line it says I'm in the 7th week but says I'm 6w and 7d. So does that actually mean I'm about to start my 8th week? But if that's the case my appt is not till the 28th of march will they let us hear the heart beat? This is our first and I'm just ready to hear at least that much cause the only symptoms I'm having is that I'm tired and I have to pee a lot. No morning sickness at all. Just worried. Past period was Jan 31st
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