i just got hurt pt 2

So he didn't care... I am a man I love kids so when she said she was pregnant and he left I wanted to stay 10times as much. I love this girl with everything I have she is my heart... well was. She goes to school, guess who picks her up and drops her off? Her son by another man started school a couple of weeks ago, guess who was the one called dad that day? Like I said in the first part I was there for everything. She called me while I was at work she was in horrible pain so I ran to the rescue.. the dr said she would have lost the baby in a few more hrs. Im going through so much pain because I wnt through her phone like an hr prior to this and the text said to the father im ready baby whenever you get our house ready... what do I do??????


  • That's so heart breaking. Its gonna be hard but sounds like things may be over. Maybe she feels its best to raise her child with the father. Whatever her reasoning she is wrong for playing u and I pray God blesses u with a woman that deserves ur heart.
  • Try talking to her
  • Oh dear.. I'm sorry about this I don't know really what to say... all I know is that if you love her andwant to be with her I'd say talk to her... I don't really understand your situation so maybe clarify a little... is the baby yours... are you together.... try talking to her and let her know how u.feel...
  • Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do. If someone wants to leave there is nothing you can do to stop them! If she goes back to him and things don't work out between them don't play captain save Ho again ( excuse the term) let her know if that's what she wants then you wish her the best move kon and know she wasn't for you. Trust me I know that's easier said than done but what other choice do you really have?
  • aww sorry to hear that. try talking to her just to figure things out but dont settle for her mess if she tries to make it seem like your fault. you deserve better! any girl would be lucky to have you
  • There are 2 parts to this jalem... he left the state 3 days after she told him. He didn't care then. He isn't gonna care later.
  • I am really sorry; you deserve a better woman who loves you just as much as you do them. Unfortunately, you can't make someone care more about you than they do. You can't make someone love you. I have definitely been there before & remember the hurt like it was yesterday, even though I'm happily married & it was almost 10 years ago.
    If she wants to be with him & not with you after all you've done- let her go & find someone who wants a family WITH you. Good luck hon, I wish you all the best!
  • Just read your other post abdomen sorry to say hun but you deserve much much better... you are in my eyes the definition of a real man... even.though the baby is not yours you are trying to make her have a good life... I just want you to know if anything goes wrong with the baby it is jot your fault... from what you said she has been cheating on you from the beginning so really I would say that it is your choice... stay and be apart if the babys life but be hurt or leave and try to be in the kids life
  • It just upsets me cause she has a son that I bond with like I would have of the 2 kids I lost in the past.. an abortion after 2 years and a miscarrage..
  • I agree with scaredmom she was using you :( let her go and she will figure out what a good thing she had just be careful if you decide to take her back gaurd your heart
  • She hasn't seen him since xmas.. its gonna be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do... just because I am the only thing she has her fam dnt care they just want money.. if I leave now and somethin does happen to the baby I would die... I have a big heart with not enough blood to keep it beating
  • I know its hard, but it would be more difficult to stick around & try to stay in the children's lives & see everything you're missing out on. As sad as it is for you, kids are very resilient & he'll move on & be alright, too. But her son alone is not a good reason to stay with someone who has shown how little they care about you. Sorry. :(
  • Firm but true... my mind is about to explode... I just had to vent.. HOW DO I GO ABOUT DOIN THIS? Im not a mean person..
  • Maybe you should try to just be in her life as a friend... and help her through this pregnancy as a friend... it might hurt you because you're not "with" her but you would still be there... and seeing as she is talking/txting questionable things to him it may be easier for you... to just be friends...
  • Tell her that you love her and her babies more than anything but can't deal with not being sure of where her heart lies... that you will.be there for her and her.babies but as for a relationship you don't see it possible because you've been hurt too much and can't do it any more
  • You should talk to her tell her you care about her and if she cares about your feelings she needs to decide what she wants and maybe just friends is what she will decide but at least you are free to find someone who will love you the way you love
  • But as they were sayin I was bein played for 5 months and he's in a different state. So if she's jus gonna leave??? I have a dresser full of cloths in the next room. Im on her couch rite now about to lay beside her. Wtf
  • Im so sorry sweetie i know is hard maybe she is just confussed or just is a freak cause i could think about a women who doesnt want a guy like you! Huggs and someone much better is there Wating for you! GOD LOVE YOU!
  • I really hope she's out there...
  • She is! We all have a soulmate belive it or not but the time of God is perfect so at the perfect time you will find her
  • Unfortunately us women sometimes don't realize what we have until its gone. U r gonna have to find a way to stand firm and hold ur ground and walk away. It sounds to me like she was using u to get over someone else. Harshly she is playing u as a fool and u definitely don't deserve it. Right now she wants this scum bag because that has probably been her intention all along. Once she is with him, and has him again she will realize his flaws and her misery and remember how much u loved her and how good she had it while she was with u. My advice for u is to b strong and walk away. It may take time but she will eventually come crawling back to u, whether it be for her unhappiness or him leaving her again. Then the ball will b in ur court to take her back or not. But who knows by that time u may have found a women worthy of ur heart. Good luck my friend...
  • @MOOKIEanCHUCKIE just wondering if u talked to her. If so what did she say? Did u decide to stay or go?
  • Some women are chicken heads, what you have described.... she is def acting chicken flavored. You have to first believe that you deserve more than what you are getting then you refuse to compromise that. Otherwise you will end up a babbling idiot running behind someone who doesn't care for you the way u care for her......aka standing around with ya d@#$k in your hand and nothing else. Trust me..... I've been there a few times...... being captain save a hoe is voodoo overrated
  • I am sorry to hear this . Hang in there take 1 day at a time !!
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