Is there anybody else on Progesterone?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Hello all. I am due in Nov, 2011. We are super excited, this will be our third child. Before this pregnancy, I had a DNC in October bc I had a blighted ovum, when I was pregnant during this time my progesterone was low, so with this pregnancy my doctor put me on progesterone....the side effects are the absolute worse and was wondering if anybody else is experiencing side effects. Thanks and congrats to everybody!


  • I've been on it for almost 4 weeks now. What kind of symptoms do u have?
  • This might be TMI but extreme gas and discharge. I haven't even been on it long....2 weeks.
  • Ive had 5 miscarages in the past n im pregnant with my 6th my docter put me on Progesterone, ive only been on it 4 Only 3 days, what kind of symptoms are u having???
  • I don't know about the gas. Watch wut u eat... but the discharge is normal, its cuz of the hormones ur body needs. As ling as it don't smell bad or itch its fine. Tmi... but its like thick and white right? O the joys of pregnancy....
  • Yeah the gas was so bad I had to google it, lol. It said progesterone loosens up the gestational ( spelling?) Tract and thats why you have gas....
    I know the discharge is normal, but its excessive to where I think its going to lead to a yeast infection....its that much. Sorry if TMI
  • I know it is a lot but I asked ky doc about it and he said it was hormones.(which is Wut progesterone is) and its fine. I been using panty liners. U only need progesterone thru the first trimester so it will be gone soon....
  • Yeah I am wearing some as well...and I can't wait for the first trimester to be up so I can get off of them.
    I wonder if I actually need them...with my first two kids my levels were good. With the blighted ovum they were low....oh well...whatever it takes to bring this blessing into the world.
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