Dont know what to do :( advise plz!(super long)

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So im 10wks and 6dys with my first baby...of course unplanned but my bd is just a total jerk im in college and he is in hs senior we are not together officially but we do everything a couple does hang out and stuff. So he said it was unfair that I got to enjoy a year of college when he didnt and he told me to give him 2months (until grad) to grow up and be serious and be a family...i beleive that I had to grow up spontanously all fast and he can still act like a kid...all of this stresses me out and I dont know if I should just wait for him while he has his fun its not fair...i want us to be a family but his friends are his first priority ive seen him twice in the past two months...i just dont know if I should put this on hold for him of course the baby is coming and is not gonna wait for him but I just want his support...i just beleive that if thats what he wants then he can go home to his friends and not a family in the future am I wrong:(? Plz I need advise :(


  • Just tell him he you aren't waiting for him cause the baby sure isn't waiting. He is young this is huge. Girls mature more than guys and faster. Do your thing and if he wants to be part of it later then let him but don't count on it k honey. I know its hard but its life. My first daughters dad went out all the time and I was home pregnant and well things never changed.
  • @proudmomma I know it just really hurts because he promised soo much and now everything went dwn the drain:( I just feel like im alone on this and not fair for the baby:( he is extreamely immature I pray that he grows up and realises that its his loss...thank you you really helped me feel better :)
  • Is say tell him you aren't going to wait... he doesn't want to change for your baby now how will he change 2 months from now or when baby is here.. yalls life will change but with help you'll still be able to do some of the things now... just not as much...
  • I kno its hard but u can't take his "bs". The baby is coming whether he's ready or not. And if he's not ready and u need to move on, there will b sumone out there who will admire and respect wut ur doing :)
  • He will regret it. I know it hurts but you will heal. My daughter is 11 now and doesn't even care about her dad aka sperm donor. She hasn't seen him since she was 1.
  • @jalem I know right I dont understand how thats going to help him grow up im guessing im not enough for him or idk he just frustrates me...@mizsamantha its nothing but "bs" I think he needs to grow up already and thank you:) I did wrong blocking my self from other people like guy friends and stuff while he has his girl and guy friends but thank u u really helped:)...@proudmomma aw really eleve?! Thats great I bet shes a sweet heart and not to be mean but I hope he regrets it because what hes doing is just plain wrong:(
  • In my opinion if he is not ready now he wont magically be ready when ur baby arrives. If ur.happy n ready 2 be a mom also be.prepared 2 do this alone, if not n abortion is not the end of the world. As I say this do know I never had 1 myself but I have advised my lil sis to have 1. U have the rest of ur life to reproduce n such an experience shud be enjoyed by both parents. I know its not easy conclusion to reach but I feel u n women like u deserve more, atleast a partner on da same page. At the end of the day make a choice u wud least regret.
  • Her dad doesn't regret it or he wouldn't go around making babies. God has not blessed him with a son lol Ha ha. She has about 8 sisters I think I lost count. My bf now is amazing with her and she adores him. She has never opened up to a man till now. She is happy and she finally has a dad. Being a single mom is tough but always be honest with your kid about the dad and you will realize if you can raise a child on your own then you can conquer anything! Its the best and most amazing accomplishment in the world
  • Oh and the sad thing is I was 16 when I had my daughter
  • I am 19 almost 20 :) I beleive things happen for a reason and if im meant to be a mommy then ill accept this blessing :) thank you:)
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