pregnant with eczema?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
It is driving me nuts and I'm tearing up my skin in the process. Quite painful too. If anyone has tips on how to keep the eczema down it'd b so appreciated!


  • Oatmeal bath maybe??
  • aveeno lotion or any baby lotion on your skin will work perfect. i would break out behind my knees and on my arm but after i used aveeno lotion it went away
  • I'll def hafta try. Sometimes it feels like the lotion makes me scratch more tho :/
  • thats how i felt too. it kinda stung too when i would apply some lotion. but since i used aveeno everyday my eczema hasn't returned for more than a year
  • Hydrocortozone ointment or cream.. Works wonders ive always had eczema but havent had any outbreaks in the last couple of years still use the ointment faithfully I hope my baby dont have this curse
  • I have this lotion called utterly smooth that I was told helps. But yea it stings n itches n makes my arms feel sweaty. I'll definately look into others tho. And I hope my baby doesn't have this "curse" either lol.
  • I'm usually on steroid prescriptions for mine b/c nothing else works. The prescriptions I was on weren't safe for lil nugget, so my doc said a little cortizone won't hurt. I did that to clear it up, and now I just keep lotion with vitimin e and cocoa butter slathered on. And shockingly, no reaction to bio oil yet. Oh, also try to get some free & clear detergent, Dove soap, don't use fabric softener, and only unscented dryer sheets! Sorry you're itchy. Hopefully, it'll clear up soon! At least spring is here (depending on where your are). Oh, and if it gets bad BAD, you can take Benadryl.
  • I might b taking more benadryl than I want! It's itching EVERYWHERE! but yes hopefully this spring weather helps :) it usually does
  • edited March 2011
    I just got this stuff for my daughter called Triple Cream, there is also a Triple Paste for diaper rash so make sure you get the cream, its usually in the baby section, can be hard to find though so google it and see where they sell it. We also use the Aveeno soap and oatmeal bath, Cetaphil cleanser and Eucerin and Auqaphor lotions and creams, good luck mama.
  • We sell triple paste at the grocery store I work at!!! And thank u ^_^
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