*noticable title*

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Jk :) .. Really, I want to know if there is another term for bracton hicks, I frankly just do not like those words for sone reason and never have. Or what do you 'nickname' them? I. Sure I just felt my first one a few minutes ago. I'm 17.2 weeks.


  • * braxton.. oh well, forgive my typos! I see more. Lol
  • Haha..no i dont know any..i know no help :)
  • I call them gosh dang it I thought this was finally it...but its not... contractions... lolz... love your title
  • Practice contractions maybe?
  • Lol, gosh dang. I've got to find something else to call them. Thanks for liking my title, I'm cracking up at myself cause of it.. hehe
  • @supermommy, obsessing over one more thing? My common sence brain left my body when I became pregnant!
  • haha i call them my "fake outs"
  • I never got them with my daughter..how do they feel? I know this pregnancy is gonna be way difderent from my first
  • What I felt, and think was that was like a thin horizontal line clench and unclench quickly.. I just presume that it was the 'bh' cause I haven't felt that .3 of a second pain before.. like a mosquito bite lasts longer. Lol
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