Am i overreacting??
Ok, so I'm 26 wks pregnant and my bd has been pretty good with everything. We've been fighting a lot lately and I don't know if its all just stupidity, if its me or him. We both have facebook and there's this mutual friend who's cousin likes him and seems to pretty much "Like" everything he posts excepts things about me and she comments him saying thanks for not visiting me @ work or he wrote a post about eating pizza @ home and she says thanks for the invite and also comments on his pictures saying Ooh I really like this one. I was usually not a jealous person but being that I'm pregnant I guess I feel less attractive and insecure. What bothers me the most is that she's married with a kid yet she told my friend she likes my bd. That's just wrong. She also left him a comment with her # saying to txt her cuz she wanted to ask him something. She had told him in a comment before she needed a job but if she needed help why doesn't she just ask her cousin (my friend) who also works at the same place. To the point I told him it bothered me she always wrote him, he said he would delete her but didn't. He said she was no one important yet later refused to delete her. We haven't spoken in a week and I don't plan to talk to him first. What should I do? Am I overreactin? Sorry it turned out so long
@pooh22 thanks, I'm trying to enjoy this time we haven't spoken to think things through. I don't want to end up hurt either.