am i having a girl?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am 13 weeks 3 days pregnant. I did the baking soda test- no fizz. I also did the red cabbage test- water stayed purple. What do you guys think. I won't be able to find out until April 29. The wait is killing me. I would love having either as long as baby's healthy.


  • Only one way to know for sure. Wait it o out. All those other ways (ring over the belly, carrying high/low, all that hoopla) is old wives tale. Otherwise, no one on here can say for sure. No one can see in your ute.
  • My husband thinks I am a goofball for even trying these tests. I think it's fun. I know I can't know for sure until I have the baby, but I just want to know what others think.
  • Try Chinese gender it was right for me
  • Do you have really bad acne like never before? With my daughter it was like that. And I was way more sick.
  • I tried the cabbage test. N even had my bf try it too so we could see the difference lol our results looked like I was having a boy n he was having a girl! Haha but there's a baking soda test?? Hows that work?
  • Baking soda test- put a table spoon of baking soda in a cup. Add your urine. If it fizzes, a boy. No fizz= girl. Of course it's all for fun, but I would like to know if it came out right with anyone else.
    And my acne is worse than before.
    Chinese gender test. Different ones tell me different result.
  • Cool I gotta try it! Thanks! I'm also going to trying the intelligender tmrw morning. So we'll see what They say! Hah I can't wait til I actually find out from the dr.. in 6 weeks!
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