am i overreacting?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im 8 months pregnant and i live with my boyfriend and hes always leaving me alone to go drink with his cousins. Hes sick but he can get up at 9 just to go sit outside and drink. I fall back asleep and wake up hours later and go into the kitchen cuz im hungry and none of those drunk bastards are outside. He comes back about an hour after that and starts to talk to me and when i dont answer he starts saying disrespectful things to me. I think i should just stay with a friend away from him until the baby comes. The other problem is that he doesnt want me to stay with her cuz shes his cousins ex. What do i do?


  • You need to do what's best for you and your child. By what you've said, it doesn't seem at all like you're in a healthy environment. If your boyfriend has a problem with you moving into a healthier environment then he should be making an effort to CREATE a healthy environment for you. If he can't do that, you do what you need to do.
  • I would stay with her for a while. There is no need for him to be disrespectful to you. Talk to him about it though. Tell him how you hate to be alone and how you want him to spend more time with you. If he doesn't understand then go to your friends. You don't have to stay there until the baby comes, but it would be nice to get out a little bit.
  • I would go... let him know that you don't accept the things he does... when baby gets here does he really think he can just go outside and drink and leaveyou alone... ha... he must be crazy... and who cares If ur friend Is his cousins ex... if she's gonna help you and baby she could be George bush and still mire important than hid cousin... good luck... oh but make sure you tell him why you're leaving... so he can try to change
  • i say go, at least for a while. get your space, and let both of you cool down. once youve both cleared your head, then maybe sit down and explain yourselves to each other.
    these other ladies are right, you and your babe are the important ones. not him, and definitely not his cousin.
    good luck.
  • Thanx everyone. He just stresses me out so bad with that and i always have to deal with being alone while hes out drinking and having fun. Hes just gonna do the same thing when the baby is born. I just needed some advice. Thanx all.
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