boy or gurl any ideas?

I'm 18 weeks pregnant with my second child due august 23. With my daughter who is 2 she was an easy pregnancy. And breeze actually... I understand that every pregnancy is different, but this pregnancy is by far horrible. I'm always sick, in pain, overly emotional. The list goes on.. everyone around me says sounds like a boy boys do that to you. Frankly I don't know cause I hoped for a boy with my daughter and got a girl. This time don't want to jinx it. Any insight or predictions it might be? I would love to still hear them...


  • My first was super easy, never sick, boobs never was a boy. This time I've been pretty sick, so tired, sore.....
  • Yea that's how it was with my daughter this pregnancy is the worst experience of my life, I'm miserable even sleeping is a huge task...
  • My first (girl) I had no morning sickness at all and had a relatively easy pregnancy, same with this one (another girl) so in may case, my pregnancies have been the same and same gender. :) I would guess boy. Wham do you find out?
  • With both of my pregnancy I had no morning sickness at all idk
  • I was supposed to find out next week but I was in the hospital because of pains and couldn't keep anything down... so she pushed it back April 4 th. But when I was the ultrasound tech kept referring to him but when I said what? She quickly said oh sorry I say him a lot...
  • but the way she kept looking and saying wow... made me think otherwise. who knows...
  • I hope different pregnancies mean different sexes cz with me son I got nothing with this 1 I've got sor boobs terrible skin my mouths full of ulcers I feel sick my cravings r different, the list goes on...
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