Double horned uterus

Anyone else have a double horned uterus?? I was diagnosed with one a few years ago during an abdominal CT scan, and was pleasantly surprised that we had no problem getting pregnant! I'm curious if others on here have a double horned uterus, and if so, how is it going so far??


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  • I have this. I have delivered two children. First one was 4 weeks early and breech. Doctor said breech is common in this situation. Second child had pretty serious torticollis which is common due to the baby being very cramped in this type of uterus. She is four now and only has a slight head tilt. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am trying for third now.
  • I have it too!!! Im glad to hear your child just has a slight tilt. I heard that if they don't have enough room, m/c. I am just petrified. First child. 36. With pcos and hypothyroidism. Yeah just pile it on :( but it's a miracle I got pregnant
  • Be prepared for an early delivery if if is your first. They are very cramped in there. Doctor said after first they will go longer since the uterus has been stretched. Delivered first at 36 weeks. 2nd was at a scheduled c section at 39 weeks and I wasn't even dilated at that point!
  • oh and our second had a severely flat side to her head and it is gone now! Do not be alarmed at the birth because within 2 years our daughter looked totally normal!
  • I have a bicornuate uterus as well. I was diagnosed back in Feb of 09 when I had a m/c at 9 weeks. I am no 12w6d along and I am being monitored more closely by my doctors due to my uterus. They don't seem worried or anything, and I too didn't have a problem getting pregnant (it was actually a complete surprise, cause DH and I weren't ttc).

    So far I've had 2 u/s and am scheduled for about one a month until I'm at least 20 weeks along. So far everything is going along normal and there are no reasons to be concerned. I have read plenty of horror stories on the internet, so much so that I start freaking out that something is wrong after about a week of not hearing the baby's heart beat. I think DH might try to lock down my internet so I can't keep reading alll the bad stuff that could happen LOL.

    But in all actuality, it's very possible to have completely healthy babies and completely normal pregnancies and births, the biggest complication being breech birth. I am trying my best to relax and enjoy this time, but it can get hard to not worry too much.
  • I'm so happy to not be alone! I found out two weeks ago I have a double horned uterus. The Dr ordered a test to see how severe, but in the meantime with all the horrible things we read and were told, my husband and I decided that adoption is the better choice. Well...found out yesterday that I'm pregnant!!! I was terrified at first, but now I'm cautiously optimistic.
  • I have a bicornuate uterus. Im still learning with this too. I have a lot of "q"s!
  • The radiologist thinks I might have one. The us tech said she thinks I just have some bands of tissue at the top of my uterus since it didn't show up om my 18 weeks us. My doc said he wouldn't for sure know unless he has to to a c-section and actually looks at my uterus. Im 28 weeks and been in hosp on complete Bedrest for incompetent cervix. It sucks!! Hope I can carry this baby girl to term and have a vag delivery. She is breech right now.
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