Join my club...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
The SPEAK YOUR MIND club. I am getting sick and tired of immature people getting their panties in a bunch for people simply speaking their mind. I am NOT going to read a post and just because my reply is not the same as everybody elses not going to COMMENT my opinion. People keep saying "If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all"...NOPE! Sorry thats not my motto, that may work for you but it doesn't work for me. I LOVE having the guts to speak my mind and never have I done it in a disrespectful way. Its not my fault that truth or my opinion cannot always be sugarcoated. We are pregnant women and if we were mature enough to get pregnant and raise a child then you should be mature enough to be able take constructive critism. People reply to me because I so call "bash" people but then they go and call ME names....YEAH REAL mature!...Last time I checked thats called being a hypocrite. I CAN and WILL continue to express my opinion without concern of whether or not other people will dislike my opinion. :)


  • Mwahaha...I'm already a member. Lol tell it how it is. And don't give a shit what everyone says about you.. oh yeah and thrive off sarcasm. Best medicine...if you can handle it. Lmfao thanks for the chuckle.
  • @ckazfirst HAHA thanks! Glad I'm not alone :)
  • I'm with u its like every tine u say anything someone has to take what you say and soon it out or say ur wrong its like its just an opinion so shut the f&$k up and just give ur opinion on the subject seriously the only person who should really say anything back is the person asking the question I mean unless ur in the same shoes sorry venting
  • This app is for opinions! Lol people just get upset cuz they don't like what others say. But they shouldn't call them names that's just dumb and immature. I have read some of ur comments and I don't see anything wrong with them. Its nice to get different perspectives! So keep commenting I don't think they r mean! :)
  • bout we all flip the freaking book....instead of saying whats really up we can do what everyone else does and take everything outta context...morons. and yes maybe the way I say things is abrupt but that's who I am. Like it pbr it or hate it. But hate it and Atleast don't coward out and say nothing...tell me. Pffffft people. And while preggo and driving? Omg its like Hell. I used to love it.
  • @newmomma15 & @finallypregnant2 Aww thanks guys! So glad somebody else can understand me!
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