
edited March 2011 in April 2011
How many weeks&days are you AND how much are you dilated????


  • When I was checked I was 2cm and I was 37 weeks. I'm getting checked tomorrow again and ill be 38 weeks
  • I'm 35 weeks. I go back the 28th and ill get checked and start going once every week. So excited Aubreys almost here!!!!!
  • At 35 weeks 2cm 50 effaced 37w 5d today have an appt on thursday
  • I just delivered last Tuesday I was 37 weeks 1 day 4 cm dilated and did not know until i was in the hospital lol my water broke! Had a natural birth with no meds or epidural the nurses were amazed they said I made it look easy lol. This was my first baby and I gave birth to a healthy boy :-) 7 lb 4 oz
  • Just turned 36 weeks. At my appt 4 days ago I was almost 2 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced
  • @insanepreggochick golden juice?

    I am 35 weeks but go to the Dr next week for my every week appt. I hope she checks me cause I have been contracting a lot and cramping.
  • @proudmomma she means her guys "golden juice" him finishing inside you after sex is supposed to help progress labor.
  • Around 35 wks and 5 days I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced
    Ill be checked at next apt maybe.. if not then one after that so either
    37 wks 5 days or 38 wks 4 days lol
  • @myself_momma lmao that's what I thought but my prego mind is out of it. Sex never worked for me. Primrose on the cervix has worked for many I know.
  • I was due yesterday and my doctor didnt check for dilated but lasr week i was 50 effaced and not dilated but lost the mucus plug since than. Hopfully shell come soon. The baby dropped 3 weeks ago and i walked so much my back hurts and i cant get out of bed
  • 36+4 3cm 50% effaced station 0. This is my third and second within 2 years. My water has broke with my other 2 and I had them with in 2hrs I'm just worried I'm not going to make it to the hospital. The doctors don't seem to take me seriously when I tell them I have really quick labor. With my second the epidural was in and 15min later I felt everything because they thought I had more time.
  • Wow how are u ladies doing it?? Im 38 weeks today n have not dialated nothing me n my bf have sex almost every day n he finishes inside n all. I been doing an hour straight on treadmill everyday! Im frustrated
  • I'm 37 weeks and a day. Not dilated any, :o(
  • Last week at 36 weeks I was dilated 1 cm.I go to the doc this week but not sure if they will check me.
  • Went to my 37week appt. Today. Good checked and was really high, they did an ultrasound and discovered she's transverse. So scared!!!
  • Oh my goodness! Try playing music on your pelvic bone hun, that can make baby's attention go that way and turn head down. 10 minutes each time 3 times a day. Also move a flashlight from your side where her head is and slowly move it towards your pelvic bone, repeat 5 times about 3 times a day, that might just get her to move. I heard it works really well. If that doesn't work they can always do a manual version which is the doctor turning the baby after 38 weeks. :) hope this helps!
  • @imamami05 me n u are in the same bout im 38 weeks now and she keeps flipping on me but mommy of two princess is right do that put something cold like a ice pack or bag of peas on the top of ur belly and they will move away from the cold, u can try putting pillows under your hips so that it is higher than your shoulders u can lay on the floor or using the arm of your sofa to do this, or u can kneel on the edge of the couch and place ur hands on the floor with ur but sticking straight up....u do all these on empty stomach for 10 to 15 min a few times a day and the baby will flip....some docs do the manual flip, they give u a epidural for the procedure and use the sonogram, it has its risks with the cord wrapping around babys neck but its a 70% success rate
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