Is anyone happy just to pregnant?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like most of the discussions on here r for people to vent & complain about pregnancy symptoms. I appreciate the discussions about advice & suggestions. I was just wondering if anyone is just happy to be pregnant & happy they have pregnancy symptoms. It took my husband & I about 5 1/2 years of trying to finally conceive. We were told years ago we would probably never have children. I'm just so happy to be pregnant & having these symptoms after wanting to be pregnant for so long.


  • Me!!! This is my 5th, I have high-risk pregnancies, but I love it. I know I can complain about being sore, etc but I am loving being able to grow a human. Best feeling ever!! Its all worth all the complaints, soreness, sickness.
  • I love it and appreciate it
  • Yes... so happy: ) I loved being pregnant with my first and love it now. I am especially thankful for a healthy pregnancy to this point after having two back to back miscarriages in 2010. I'm absolutely feeling blessed right now and can't wait to meet the new little in August. :)
  • I complain about the things that hurt but the rest is a blessing and I love being pregnant
  • I'm excited for a healthy baby! Alot of woman complain but u can't fathom giving birth and having your baby for two days just for him to pass in your arms 53 hrs later.. Babies r a blessing! Bring on the aches n pains!
    Mommy to ^brandon^ my angel boy.
  • I'm So Happy To BE Pregnant. Wouldn't Change It For The World <3 Me & My Boyfriend Tried For 2 Months And It Happened! The Only Symptoms I Have Is Peeing A lot ANd Constantly Hungry (;
  • I agree...2nd pregnancy daughter 5 hoping for boy...just happen to b carrying another life created by me&my <3
  • we have been trying for three months and i am soo happy that i am finally pregnant this both me and my bd first child and we were already planning a wedding so guess what push the wedding six months to have the baby then get married i dont particularly enjoy the morning sickness but i love being pregnant
  • Mee! This is my first baby daddy and I are super excited :X
  • Happy &4 pregnancy m/c in past
  • I'm very excited about being pregnant. But I had sum spotting today and I'm so scared:( Won't kno anything until tomar or tuesday.
  • I'm glad someone brought this up!! I was thinking the exact same thing today...all these discussions about people wanting to terminate their pregnancies because they feel like "fat cows" and they want to appease their "BD's" make me sad. My baby was anything but planned, and I did consider adoption because I thought maybe it would be in her best interest, but I know that keeping her is the best decision for everyone because I am determined to give her the life she deserves and I know I have a TON of support from friends and family.

    I couldn't imagine life without her already... :D
  • Me!!! I love being pregnant n i love my baby n the fact that i can even bring a precious being that i created into this world gives me so much fulfillment. I have awful back pains everyday but i wouldnt trade it for anything
  • @prayin4agurl praying for u that u & your baby r ok & your baby is growing strong...good luck this week
  • I'm very happy to be pregnant!! It took us twelve years to finally conceive our first miracle. I don't mind all the discomforts of pregnancy. I'm enjoying every day!!
  • @debbie61403 thanx I really needed that cuz it is hard for me right now. But still loving being pregnant :)
  • I welcome the symptoms n I am so grateful to be pregnant with a man I love. Very happy :)
  • I'm just thrilled. I feel bad for even mentioning if I don't feel good just because I am so grateful. We tried for a yeard and were actually going to start fertility treatments the same month I got my bfp.
    Does anyone feel like the baby is the only thing on their mind? I feel like I am thinking of him/her every minute!
  • This is a first for me and hubby. We are both so happy. It was such a shock that I was actually, finally pregnant. Now that we saw our little peanut I couldn't be happier to throw up every day lol
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