My point has been proven,...pure comedy...



  • state your opinions don't try to force your bitchyness like its some type of right.
  • There are forum guidelines. They were made by @Martin. If you don't like them or don't like this forum, nobody is making you stay just like nobody made you join. I closed down the previous discussion that this one was made to mirror, I gave plenty of warning last night then today it got so out of hand I had no choice other than to close it. Please don't make this become another one. Consider this official warning to please stop continuing the issue. This isn't what Pregly was made nor intended for. Forum guidelines are written out, please follow them. Thank you.
  • Convo ended a while ago, but yeah in the inbox you said you had to shut it down, I think its still might wanna try it again, toodles...@mrsdelrae
  • I had said that if things continued to go in the same direction it had with the previous discussion, then I would close this one. Sorry if you misunderstood what I had said.

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Moderator
  • Lmbo,...ok¿
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