my husband ggggggrrrrrrrr.....please help

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Sorry so long just want u to get the whole pic not just my half. I feel like I can't take it sometimes he is so helpful and takes care of almost everything
He takes care of dishes,laundry,cleaning,and I mean deep cleaning,cooking I try and help but he says no Cuz I cleaned the whole house one night when I was about 11weeks and started bleeding a little so he's so scared so when he's at work I take care of as much as I can but as soon as he gets home its relax time well and his days off HR has three so relaxing allot but my trouble is while he does all those wonderful things he bitches and gets frustrated u know like when we r deep cleaning with someone and they don't help I feel like he's yelling at me like I don't do anything arround the house so I get defensive and I feel like I want to cry does anyone else feel this way I feel like a bitch for being so upset


  • edited March 2011
    My fiance does the same thing. He doesn't know how something he says may be little but it causes alot of hurt.
  • Thanks I really feel like I have to be so defensive but its probably harmones and I feel like we blame allot on them but it really probably is
  • Staying off your feet cause he wants you to and not being able to do anything isnt your fault its his.
  • Thanks really I hope he reads this so I don't have to talk to him about it
  • Hm.. contradictory lol. I would say if u are willing to clean and he seems mad that hes doing everythung, instead of getting defensive, just ask him if you can do anything to help.. he shudnt be getting mad if he told u not to clean :/ especially if its to much for you. I dont know a man who likes cleaning so im sure hes going to grumble lol... i wouldnt worry about it too much just make sure he knows u are always willing to help
  • And he so does thanks
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