Am I Thee Only One ,?

Like seriously ..Am I thee only one who despises their Baby's Father right now!? lOl He's stubborn(so am I), & he's not as supportive as I expect him to be. He's afraid to be a father of 2 ..Definitely not what I need to hear right now. Oh, & might I add ..He's a 23 yrs. old mama's boy; Ugh ! I hope he comes around soon, but Thank God for good fam. n'friends.


  • I'm starting to hate mine too and I'm only about 6 weeks along. He doesn't understand and not as supportive like u had said. And he got mad at me that I told my mom wen I did cuz there's a possibility I could b having an ectopic pregnancy and I jus caused a lot of "hoopla" over nuthing. Ugh wut an ass -.-
    Yea, thank god for fams n friends
  • yeah, people say that lads don't understand as much as women do about a pregnancy so they aren't as supportive. i try and drill it into my boyfriend that im pregnant and need support but that still allows him to jump on me and playfight and get mad at me if im having off days. who'd have them!!
  • @MizSamantha , I'm 18 weeks, &nd he's been knowing of me being preggy since I was 10weeks. He also got mad at me for telling my mom because he wasn't ready to tell his! He thinks the baby will steal the attention I give him ..How selfish. Me & moms have a close relationship & she told me to leave him be right now, he eventually come he'll come around & I'm doing just that, but its hard. Take it easy though Ma', & good luck w/your pregnancy! :)
  • My mom said the same thing... well actually she said don't feel obligated to stay with him just cuz were having a baby. I swear I think I'm further along than 6 weeks but he insists I'm not. Wut does he kno -.- its not growing inside him!
    Enough of that lol. Good luck wit ur pregnancy too girl ;)
  • @JosieMarieMummyToBe , I'm just about tired of drilling cause it never leads to a civilized conversation ..I've done that for a month straight &nd its like he's indenial or some ish'!, Its only so much a preg. young lady can take ya know.
  • @MizSamantha , It sounds as if your mom & my mom would get along just find! She's stated that I'm not obligated to my bd either just because I'm preg. My Mom keeps me sane iswear! lOl
  • Idk wut I'd do without her! She got mad my dad had told me to look into adoption as an option (ewwww it rhymes lol) she went on a rant saying shed adopt the baby before anyone else could.
  • Haha, mine wasn't really caring or asking if I was ok after Puking. It was a large lack of empathy, men will never get it hunny. Mine actually joined pregly and is coming around cause of the several "bad men/boys" stories he has read on here. It's the fact they will never get it. I think it sucks because this is his second- his daughter is 10 and he "doesnt remember" what it was like. Which made me more bitchy. Like Wtf man? It may take a while for him to comprehend he is only 23. @SingleSexy1stTimeMom its like a nagging feeling that sucks ass.
  • Lmao @ Adoption as an Option. Gotta LOVE good Mommies though !, Everyone isn't as fortunate as we are to have them. ;)
  • This is my bfs second too. I think he's hoping I miscarriage :/ could b me over thinking things.
  • @ckazfirst , He already has a 5 1/2yr. old ..But maybe you're right; It'll probably take him awhile to come around, being that he was very young when his 1st child arrived, &he's mentioned multiple times how hard it was. I'm still not sympathizing though! lOl
  • Sam ..You aren't over thinking by your lonesome then, cause I'm scared to even go around my BD right now ..I sometimes think if I do, he might try to hit my tummy or something & act as if he was playing around.
  • Oh my! That is scary and immature. That shouldn't even b an issue u kno :/
  • I'm totally on your page. I don't sympathize either. Not like you got amnesia. Men suck at times.
  • @singlesexy1sttimemom sheesh. My bf still can't get over that I told my mom wen I did. He said not to make decisions or do things without him cuz I'm not a single mom. Happy he said that, but upset cuz he was talking to me like I'm a lil kid. Ugh stupid hormones and emotions!
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