When is a good time to throw out the bottles?

edited January 2011 in Parenting
Okay, because I'm having another so soon, I'm going to try to potty train, and get my son off the bottle ASAP! My mother always told me that if they we're over a year it was probably best to get them off the bottle as soon as possible. My mother in law says it's up to the child to decide when they are ready. I think she is totally wrong.

Any of you mothers have any advice or comments on this topic?


  • My daughter never used a pacifier so I think it was easier to give up the bottle. She was like 10 months w a sippy cup. No problems! I think you're right! Sooner the better, esp w a new baby on the way! Good luck!!
  • Well I'm not a mother yet but raised my nephew from birth til three and I had him off the bottle at 9 months and potty trained by 18 but with my niece she was on till about 16mos or the bottle so I guess it depends on the child as well as when you feel like he is ready.. So I'd say its fine if you start now... good luck
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  • My doc said 1st bday bye bye bottle helo cuppy
  • My daughter has had a sippy cup since she was 5 months with juice. And I gradually had replaced her bottles with meals. By 10 months she was on just a night time bottle. Then right after she turned a year I took 1 ounce away every night until the bottle had only 2 ounces in it, the following night I didn't give her one. It never once effected her sleep. She has been off it for a week now and still sleeps all night long for 12 hours. We also have a little one coming in june. She is also off formula and on whole milk in her cup. Best of luck!
  • On my daughters on year check up the Dr told me no more bottles and when I left there I took them all away she struggled the first day didn't want to drink out of it but I didn't give in next day she drank out of them no fight
  • About a year we went down to one bottle a day...at bedtime. The rest was sippy cup...about 14-16 months it was completely gone!
  • Soft lip sippy cups will help and going completely cold turkey. Even though there will be a lot of crying they will give in.
  • All my other kids were off the bottle by 9 months. And they used soft sippy cups until they were about 2
  • I started with sippy cups around 6 mo with water. Mine will not drink out of the soft ones at all. We tried her on the hard ones and she was fine. She also had 6 teeth by 7-8 mo. She also refused to drink juice until recently. She is 1 and will only drink water, o.j. and formula. If she is hungry enough she will drink milk. The biggest issue is getting her to drink the formula out of a sippy cup. She only has formula 2 maybe 3 times a day it just depends bc she still wakes up a few nights a week. As of right now she throws a fit if I put formula in a sippy cup but I think it has more to do with the time of day she has formula. Generally she is tired bc its before her nap or bedtime. She actually knows how to drink out of a regular cup or straw when she has water or o.j.
  • When I took my youngest to 1 yr check up doc told me to get rid of bottles cold turkey only cuz he had no interest n sippy even tho I had introduced at 6 months. He said the longer I wait the harder it wud b...but if he had been using sippy some it wudnt have had to been coldbturkey. It was a crappy 2 weeks but eventually it was all good
  • edited February 2011
    Had my son off the bottle by his first bday I just introduced sippy cups early like when he started holding his own bottle. Never had a problem.
  • It's recommended at the year mark to get rid of bottles. Having them after this time frame can start to rot baby teeth.
  • My son was using a sippy cup by 6months. Petty trained at almost 2(still wears pull up at night). In a toddler bed just after 1. Oh and no more binky just after 1.
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