Any tips and/or ideas on dealing with being so tired?

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
I'm 6wks pregnant and. And All I want to do is sleep. Any tips or ideas on dealing with being tired?


  • I read somewhere to take like 15-20 min naps throughout the day. And to drink plenty of water. Idk how water is gonna help u not b tired but that's wut it said lol
  • Lol that's the baby hun. All I can say is get as much rest as you can. I'm 13 wks 2 days and I still have yet to want to sleep all day. Idk why though.
  • Im 25 weeks. I remember those days. I would even drink coffee and it didn't seem to help. I know exercise helps but its so hard to get motivated when you can barely keep your eyes open. I remember sleeping better and longer than I had since I was a kid. Im 30 yrs old.
  • Prenatal vitamins, lots of water and at least 30 minute walk every day were recommended by my doc. I sleep at least 8 hours per night or I am a zombie all day.
  • Thanks ladies!
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  • If you go out for a 10-20 min walk in will give you energy you should try it some time
  • Walk fifteen to twenty minutes a day, eat healthy, & take your prenatal vitamins! I was such a lazy butt from six to nine weeks & sleep was my bestfriend. Since I stuck to what I just told you I feel fantastic!
  • Im in the same boat. 6 wks and all I wana do is sleep. Plus Im on progesterone so it only makes me more tired. And I have a 3 yr old! I hate to admit it but once I bribed him with a bag of candy to let me take a nap. :(
  • I am at 13 wks 5 days. For you ladies that are farther along, is it getting better? How much are you sleeping now?
  • I am 9 weeks, 3 days, I want to excercise but am afraid I will be sick. I have 3 more weeks then I am working out if it kills me.
  • well i am 5 wks 5ds i work at sonic so trust me i get plenty of exercise but if im not at work i sleep all of the time i am only awake for like 6 hrs maybe id i am not at work
  • Oh boy, I remember those days almost 20 wks & feel back to myself for now, My first trim was rough so tired, i works sleep all day on My days off..ha ha. So depressed, but keep your head up it gets better. I started feeling better at around 14 wks. I tried working out 1 time during ny 1st trim ha ha no way, I just rode it out it will pass
  • Just sleep as much as u can at night. I'm in bed right now and Its only 8:15. I just rest as much and try and walk everyday. I'm 20w now I don't sleep like I did but I try to rest a lot...
  • I'm 20wks 3days I sleep more then ever ugh!
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