Any ladies have a dream of what you're having? (boy/girl)

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
I don't know if my baby is a boy or girl yet, I don't find out until next month..but Last night I had a dream that I had a little boy! It was so crazy though. I went into labor 1month early. I got to breastfeed him, but then I got discharged from the hospital the next day & I had to leave WITHOUT my baby :( I was freaking out. Have any of yall had any crazy dreams like this? Was your dream about you having a boy/girl correct?


  • I have only dreamed one time about my baby....Idk what i'm having and wont know till i have it....but in my dream i saw the sweetest baby girl..she had dark hair and olive skin....and her cheeks were red and kinda was soooooo cute!

    only once tho have i dreamed anyting about baby!
  • i had a dream i was laying down and i heard a baby crying so i was like wth?? so i walked to the crib in my room and picked up a little baby girl in a pink blanket. then i woke up. a week later i found out i was pregnant. today i will find out if im having a boy or girl so lets see!!
  • @vanalkr yeah same here. This has been the only time I dreamt of my baby. How far along are you?
  • @christineohhh Ahh thats exciting, let me know if you're dream was right ;) good luck girl
  • I had a dream that I had a little girl n so did my friend but she's not pregnant lol
  • @clope18 19w4d but i had this dream a few weeks far along are you?
  • @vanalkr I'm 15w1d ;) I can't wait to find out what I'm having. April 19th seems so far away :(
  • @clope18 aahhhhh april 19th is my 22nd b-day! i will be sure and check back with you hope it comes faster than you think! what are you hoping for? is this your first?
  • @vanalkr yes this is my first ;) I'm so excited! & I really want a girl,, I just hope baby is healthy, boy or girl :)
  • I dreamed I had a boy & girl. Boy was healthy but girl was having a lil breathing problems n had to stay. Being pregnant u have all sorts of dreams. I also keep dreaming me n hubby r slaves. Lol
  • edited March 2011
    dreamed im havin a girl; seemed so realistic. but after reading, an old wives tale rained on my parade!! it said usually u hav d opposite of wat yur dreamin of :/
    sooo idk im just 13wks5days soooo..
    wnt knw for sure for 4 mor wks!!
  • Last night my bf had a dream the baby was a boy.
  • I'm only like 7 or 8 weeks won't find out til next Monday but I've been having dreams of me delivering a baby girl and after I delivered my exbf also the baby daddy came to visit and like we worked everything out nd got back together. Its soo weird.
  • I have mixed dreams..some with boys n some with girls. I would watch out for dreams about health n ur pregnancy. Before this baby that im prego with (im due sept. 29.) I was pregnant and EVERY nite i had dreams about miscarriage. Sure enough at 6 weeks i had one on Sept 28,2010. Luckily this time around i havent had any bad dreams.
  • I dreamt I was having a boy, he had curly hair and blue green eyes like my hubby, well I just found out I'm having a boy!! Well see if the other half comes true!
  • Same here, dream after dream was boy and sure enough! Mother's intuition I suppose
  • had several dreams of a lil girl, but everyone said it was a boy boss thought it was twins found out it was a girl, now I have lots of dreams of my daughter but I never get to see her face only that she has fair skin and dark brown hair can't wait to really see her
  • I dream that I have a beautiful baby girl! But that's prolly cuz I want a girl so bad & so does the rest of my family lol. I'm 11 wks, so wont find out for a while. Ahh I'm so anxious lol
  • Im 14 wks today i had a dream i had a lil girl. But i want i boy lol i cant wait to find out
  • Had a dream it was a boy. Was hoping to save $$$$ by having another girl. Damn.
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