39 weeks and NO PROGRESS!!!

I'm getting so frustrated. At 34 weeks I was 1 cm dialated and my baby's head had started to decend. I was having horrible pelvic pressure and consistant b/h. Now, at 39 weeks I'm still at 1 cm and baby isn't engaged in my pelvis at all! I've been walking 3-4 miles/day (more than my swollen feet can handle), having sex 2x/day (more than either of us care too at this point...i actually asked him last night "do you care if I don't participate this time?"). I've also been drinking tons of red raspberry leaf tea, using the yoga ball, and feasting on a variety of spicy ethnic foods. Nothing seems to be working!

I'm beggining to think my window of opportunity to have her naturally (w/o inducing) passed around the 37 week point as her head circumference has been in the 80th percentile and i'm narrowly built.

Plus I feel like I cant complain to anyone I know (hence, my ranting on this forum...) because my 18-month-old was born so early (one day shy of 30 weeks). I've spent a majority of this pregnancy doing everything possible to keep this baby inside! Alas, the progesterone shots, self perscribed bed rest, and extra monitering seem to have worked too well!

Anyone else trying to get baby out after 35+ weeks of struggling to keep them in?


  • I'm 38 weeks today and I'm hoping I dilated more. Last week I was 2cm. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up.
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