does any one feel....

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
... guilty after having sex? I'm not that far along yet and I do enjoy sex with my bf very much so if either of us r in the mood the other won't turn down. But afterwards o jus have this guilty feeling in my gut. I hope it passes soon. Has/does anyone else feel this way?


  • I had it, it is normal. Just hormones and possibly a subconscious fear that you might of hurt your baby, you haven't but it is a normal fear. It might pass and it might not, if you start to feel really guilty but you still want to please your man you might want to think of other ways to do so. That way you don't end up convincing yourself you are doing wrong.
  • Absolutely No! LOL... I'm 24 weeks and my sex drive has peeked. I'm trying to get all the sex I can before I deliver. LOL
  • You shouldn't feel guilty hell I wish my hubbie would jump at the chance t have sex but he uses the I don't want to hurt the baby or I feel weird invading his space just cuz he doesn't want any so I'm left hangen it sucks too cuz he's deploying so I have to go a year with out it to begin with so feel lucky you can have it and as much as you want I'm jealose lol
  • Thanks for the advice :) feeling better and greatful!
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