Play a clip of a bunch of songs with the word baby in the title and have the guests guess the title of the song...person with the most right wins. Play dictionary using things related to babies like breast feeding stroller crib ect. Those were some unique games at showers I've been to. Anything beats the diaper game and measuring the belly game. Ugh
Guess the Baby Food- get several jars of baby food, take off labels, number them and have guests guess what they are. You can go an extra step and have them taste it all.
Dirty Diapers- melt mini candy bars in diapers and have guests guess what kind.
Memory- fill a basket with baby items and leave where visible. Later take it away and have guests list items they saw.
Guess the size of ur belly with crate paper. They can only look @ u. Then measure ur belly n compare til u find the exact or closes too!
Give every one a safety pin to clip on them. Pick a word that everyone can't say like baby. If some one say it the person that heard them takes their pin away. The person with the most pins @ the end of the game wins
Drop the cottom ball into the bottle between the feet,
Draw the cutest onesie
Name that baby, Have participants write down what is the name of an animals baby: Lion=cub Monley=baby, Dog=puppy ets
Finish that nursery rhyme
Winner takes all.. FZill a piggy bank with a ramdom amount of counted coins (remember the number lol) everyone has to shake it to tell how much is in there, winner takes all (not the change a bottle of ALL Detergent lol_
Clothspins for baby.. Everyone get a clothspin on their shirt, If you say baby you get it taken away by the one whom catches you.. person with the most pins wins.
My Watter Boke At the begginging every one gets an icecube in a cup with a baby frozen in it.. the person wo succesfully melts the baby out first wins
Wrap it up- Wrap a gift in 10-15 diffrent wrappers ad play hot potato with it (the music being all baby related songs that you burn on cd's that you hand out as gifts at the end:) evey time the music stops a layer comes off... the one who unwraps it last gets the gift
Bag Game-You'll need large paper bags (you can get them free at the grocery store!) Give all your guest a bag and have them to place the bag over their head. Then ask the participants to take off something they really don't need. It may sound boring but it is so funny when you see women taking off rings, shoes and even clothing not thinking it's the bag on their head that they really don't need. And of course whomever takes off the bag first is the winner! And the participants who still have the bag on, you continue to ask them to take off something they really don't need, if the participants still don't get the hint just tell them without laughing too loud to take that silly bag off their head (s). I loved this game.. My aunt karen figured it out first and laughed soooo hard
I like the bag game thats cute.. Im just doing the guess how big the belly game is with ribbon, guess the baby food,the cant say baby or cross ya legs game with the clothespin, remember all the items on the table, dirty diaper game, name as many girl name starting with a "s" since our baby girl name begins with a s
Dirty Diapers- melt mini candy bars in diapers and have guests guess what kind.
Memory- fill a basket with baby items and leave where visible. Later take it away and have guests list items they saw.
Give every one a safety pin to clip on them. Pick a word that everyone can't say like baby. If some one say it the person that heard them takes their pin away. The person with the most pins @ the end of the game wins
Draw the cutest onesie
Name that baby, Have participants write down what is the name of an animals baby: Lion=cub Monley=baby, Dog=puppy ets
Finish that nursery rhyme
Winner takes all.. FZill a piggy bank with a ramdom amount of counted coins (remember the number lol) everyone has to shake it to tell how much is in there, winner takes all (not the change a bottle of ALL Detergent lol_
Clothspins for baby.. Everyone get a clothspin on their shirt, If you say baby you get it taken away by the one whom catches you.. person with the most pins wins.
My Watter Boke At the begginging every one gets an icecube in a cup with a baby frozen in it.. the person wo succesfully melts the baby out first wins
Wrap it up- Wrap a gift in 10-15 diffrent wrappers ad play hot potato with it (the music being all baby related songs that you burn on cd's that you hand out as gifts at the end:) evey time the music stops a layer comes off... the one who unwraps it last gets the gift
Bag Game-You'll need large paper bags (you can get them free at the grocery store!) Give all your guest a bag and have them to place the bag over their head. Then ask the participants to take off something they really don't need. It may sound boring but it is so funny when you see women taking off rings, shoes and even clothing not thinking it's the bag on their head that they really don't need. And of course whomever takes off the bag first is the winner! And the participants who still have the bag on, you continue to ask them to take off something they really don't need, if the participants still don't get the hint just tell them without laughing too loud to take that silly bag off their head (s). I loved this game.. My aunt karen figured it out first and laughed soooo hard
These are some that we played