Sick...need some serious advice

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I just lost my insurance and I'm getting on my state insurance now...had the interview today and everything got approved just have to wait for the card...found out Friday that I have a really bad double ear infection and then Saturday I started with what could either be a sinus infection or the flu...I have no clue what to do! Should I wait and go to urgent care when I get my card or go to the hospital now even though its nothing serious...??


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  • My ob is the one that told me I had a serious double ear infection...he looked in my ears and his exact words were "your ears look like shit!" Pardon my language...well then his nurse took my scrpit he gave me because I lost my insurance and didn't know it till she told me...well now my head is all swimmy and I can't breathe I threw up Friday night and now I have dirreha (sorry tmi) but idk what's a risk to the baby and what's not...I've never been the sick while pregnant...oh and ob is out of town till next week so I can't even call him and ask :( I just don't know what I should do
  • He doesn't have someone else on-call for him while he's out of town? A lot of cities have clinics you can go to without insurance and have set/reduced fees. The ER will be much more expensive.
  • Also, Walmart and Target have a lot of generic prescriptions available for $4. Usually you just have to tell your doc that you can't afford the brand name stuff and they can find an alternative on the $4 list.
  • Idk if he does or not...I believe its just the ultra sound tech that's at the office...and idk of any place I can go except urgent care which will cost $90 just to be seen and then they will bill me the rest or the ER which will just bill me...the state insurance will go back and cover it no matter where I go but I don't have $90 to go to urgent care and I don't want it to be a waste to go to the ER...but I have no clue if I'm harming my baby or not...I'm starting to think I am because my baby is a kicker! He is always moving and he has hardly moved for the past 3 days :(
  • I would call the office first to see if they have an answering service; most docs have some kind of system where a nurse or doc is available to be paged at all times. If not, then I think I would go on to the ER. Bacterial infections are miserable and you feeling so bad might put stress on the baby. Plus, I don't know if some bacteria can be passed on to the baby...
  • edited March 2011
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  • My doc told me just to call him if I had ANY problems...cold, flu, bladder inf, sinus inf. He didnt want me seeing anyone else. Im sure if you call the office they will call you in some cheap generic antibiotics.
  • Go get it looked at. State you have a pending application: waiting for cards. They should be able to look you up, and if you have to pay keep the receipts for reimburment
  • My doctor is out of town but idk what's wrong with me other then my ear infections so I would have to get tested and I know if he was in town he would be the one to look me over but I'm high risk so they also send me to the hospital for every little thing
  • Then call and ask to speak with a nurse or someone just to get an opinion.
  • I'm high risk too. Have seizures. But its been a while.
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