"morning after" pill

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I wasn't trying to get prego so after the unprotected sex I had wit my bf I took the morning after pill the next day. Well... a month later here I am. It is a possibility that I was already prego before that happened n I jus didn't kno. But, my question is... has anyone or do u know of anyone who still got pregnant after taking the pill. I'm nervous that the pregnancy will end in a mc because it was supposed to prevent it in the first place :/


  • Me! I was so shocked! We used a condom, & bought the morning after pill. Apparently the good Lord wanted me pregnant. Fifty something dollars for an epic fail! Lol.
  • Well on the commercials thy say it doesnt terminate n already existing pregnancy but mayb u shud research it a little bit more n ask ur doctor too
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  • Lmao @kateee10 epic fail indeed. But at this point I wouldn't want it any other way. I've fallen in love with the idea of being a mommy :) plus no one can b mad at sumthing so amazing and precious. Ahh I can't wait! Lol
  • My best friend had the same thing happen. Condom broke, immediately got morning after pill and did everything right, still ended up with a perfectly healthy lil boy. He turned 1 this weekend and she has no regrets :-) good luck!
  • I agree! But, I was preventing until my two year old was more like a five year old. Lol. Oh well, I love babies (:
  • Same! I've secretly wanted this for about 2 years now :X
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