I had a two year old when I had my second. It was a little more difficult because she always needed something right when he would want to eat (of course) but we got the hang of it and she learned patience. She also walked around for a long time pretending to nurse her babies. It was cute! I managed to nurse him until he was 16 months. It can be done, don't get discouraged
I breastfed all my kids they are 2 years apart to and know my daughter is going be like 17 months when my son is born and im still breastfeeding her lol only to fall asleep...and i plan to feed him to.its easier than getting up and making bottles..
My son is 18 months and will be just over 2 years old when my second is born. I'm still breastfeeding him, though just to fall asleep and for a few minutes for reassurance when I pick him up from day care, and I plan to breastfeed my new baby (hoping for a girl this time:-) ) exclusively like I did my son.