pregnant step mommys...

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Alright mommies I'm having a hard time...

My hubby has a 4 year old boy with his ex girlfriend from high school. We only get Ian every other weekend. Aaron, my hubby only got to raise him the first 2 years of his life due to the mom taking him away and moving.

I am 14 weeks pregnant nd I swear its a boy LOL we dont know yet tho. but I feel like If it is a boy that it wont be exciting for my hubby since he has already had that experience once. I cried all today I fear he will love Ian his first boy more then ours.:,(

Any other step mommies feeling the same way?


  • My hubby wants a girl. He has a boy and I have one of each. Our baby is a boy and I think he will love him just as much. Hes excited and ready.for him to be here.
  • My bf has a 6 year old son. Same thing... every other weekend. Except this past year his son lived with him for about 6 months. My bf prays I have a boy lol. I kno this baby will b loved just as much as his son. I kinda hope its a boy myself:.. he already has a lil sister (by his mother obviously). His father and I could give him the little brother he's always wanted :)
  • Well I know he will be Happy and love the heck outta this matter what it is! but I wanted that "first" experience with him. I just feel like its old news to him.
    That's why I'm hoping for a baby girl, cause it will be his FIRST with a baby girl.
    Is that selfish?
  • My boyfriend has two boys from a previous marriage. They are 12 and 3. He is exceptionally close to his 3 year old. I am twenty weeks pregnant with another boy. We have the boys almost 100% of the time. I am also sacred that he won't love my son like he does his other two. I have talked with him about this feeling before and He told me that when his ex wife was pregnant with his second son he also had that same fear, if he was going to be able to love him as much as his first, but he told me as soon as your child is born you have insane instant love for it. So I'm sure he will love this one as much as he loves his other two.
  • My husband has a 16 yr old daughter a 10 yr old daughter and when our daughter was born he wasn't as excited as I had hoped he would be... we r expecting another baby.. :) things were still awesome thou.. just try to remember this is your baby and u can get excited as u want! Don't let his lack of enthusiasm change ur mood.
  • But he absolutely lovess our daughter.. no different from the other two
  • It's not selfish. But this is a first for him... his first baby with u. And I'm sure he will b just as excited about it :)
  • @finallyamomma... its rough and I'm trying to not let myself go crazy over it...

    @celias27... I talked to him about it and he says he is super excited. He talks to my belly and talks about names. LOL. But its just the fact of us not "sharing" the first together. Ughhh.
  • @mizsamantha...he keeps saying that too, and that this baby was made with someone he loves and is sharing his life with and not just a high school fling.

    It Still hurts..and I'm Still worried
  • I kno. I'm blaming my fears on my hormones lol. If he's doing all that tho I'd take advantage and enjoy every second of it!
  • Oh I'm sure my hormones isn't helping much too.

    But thank you fellow step mommies:)
  • I undertand I had that same fear with my daughter (he has two boys) but luckily it was a girl, now that were on #2 we're both hoping for a baby sister but im starting to lean towards having my own boy ..
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