quick question experianced mothers...help

edited January 2011 in Parenting
I'm babysitting my 4month old niece. Shes already teething so drooling alot n wanting to put everything in her mouth. I cut slices of tangerine for me to eat while I was holding her. Were watching shrek n I decided to give her a lil suck. She absolutely loved it! I was holding it for her n she wouldn't let go. She fell asleep that way? Will it harm her in anyway I'm curious n worried. If so my bro will never let me babysit again!!


  • it should be fine as long as it wasnt dirty or had seed in it....but to be on the safe side ask a pedeatrian
  • Id be careful because they have alot of acid in them an could break them out or rip there gums an make them bleed,, I would try takin a wash cloth, clean dip it in water an freeze it for a lil ...the cold nums the pain an the water wont hurt,, aslo try shaved ice, no flavors in less u ask ur bro, just put some in a blinder till its really fine and melts fast that way she cant chock,,, worked great for my daughter
  • Also they make biskets for teething,, for lil babys they turn into mush so they will make a mess but they work,, so just ask ur brother about them there at most grosery stores
  • Damn she had 2 lil square pieces. I'm worried now I didn't even think about the acid! Thanks ladies.very appreciated (:
  • She should be fine. They start eating about 6 mo. My daughter was grabbing for our food and trying everything to get it by 4 mo. My ped said she was prob ready then. So she started rice at 4 mo and loved diff tasts. It really can't hurt her. Might upset her tummy a lil if she's sensitive. And if the acid was going to hurt her mouth you would see it now. Biggest thing to watch is they can't chew so just be sure she doesn't choke on any chunks!
  • I just had a little bout with this. My fiance kept giving our 16 month old oj cause he was sick. I finally realized what was going on. I was like "noooo! I finally got his diaper rash to go away!" Oops:) I think this one has more sensitive skin than his brothers though... maybe it won't bother your niece so much:)
  • She didn't take chuncks of it she just sucked the heck out of each corner! I held it of course. Shes passed out now. She was either already tired or got full of juice n knocked out!!
  • Omg what would babies do if we left men in charge!! Lol
  • Hahaha oh no! My baby sitter first time watching my 3 mo old didn't catch why I told her my milk was in the freezer.. So when she got hungry have her warmed cows milk! Couldn't figure out why she wouldn't drink it! Lol had no clue the lil white packs in the freezer were breast milk. She was fine but I freaked at the time!

    Ya its a lil hard on lil tumys. But doesn't sound like she got too much. Just let him know, so he can keep an eye out.
  • She is fine belive me my baby.eats them.also
  • I gave my daughter oj at a year cus she was starting to get sick, well I ended up taking her to the er because it got bad had found out she was algric to oj, freaked me out I never hurd of it,,, but as long as she is fine ur good,,just keep a eye on rashes and bleeding gums,,if none ,ur good
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