doc not checking if im dialated??

Im 12w4d today and im due sept 29. I had a miscarriage on sept 28 2010 with a due date of May 17. I was really scared this time around because i just didnt want to lose another baby. My docs know that i lost a baby and 2 mons later got prego with this one. They have never checked to see if my cervix was closed since i have been going. Is that normal? i remember with my daughter they checked me everytime until i had her.


  • Its normal. I'm sure you are fine. Stay positive. Did they say why you miscarried
  • They didnt ever check me and that was the reason for my still birth. Ask them why they havent done it. Its better to know why the arnt doing it or maybe it will make them realize wut they need to be doing for u and the baby
  • edited March 2011
    I miscarried in may of last year. After our first was 4 months old. With our first my cervix was never checked until I was 35 weeks. Im now 29 weeks with our second girl and the only time my cervix has been checked was from preterm labor. They aren't supposed to check your cervix every appointment until the end or unless there is a pressing reason like preterm labor. It can actually cause bleeding, infection, or preterm labor if they check it too much. They can also measure your cervix on an ultrasound, so if you have had one and everything looked good, they wouldn't check it. :)
  • They don't check to see if you're dialated till 30 something weeks unless u have a history of incompetent cervix...not a history.of mc.
  • @mrssanchez1228 Dr's dont like to check. They do the initial checkup at your first visit and they may check you if you complain of a yeast infection, STD or UTI... other than that they would rather stay out of your va-jay-jay to avoid any germs entering and you getting an infection. Trust me, your better off not being checked.
  • yea i lost the first bby at 6 weeks due to an empty sac, so far everything with this one is great. I had lite spotting n it was because a bacterial infection and it stopped. I hace heard n seen my baby n everything looks normal. i was just checking with u guys because thats one difference i have noticed between my pregnancies n docs.
  • We are here to help hun :D
  • My doctor only checked one times besides the first and that was because of spotting at 25 weeks
  • My doctor checked me at the first appointment and said i wouldn't be checked again until 37 weeks. I am 34 weeks now.
  • Have they done an ultrasound? It will show your cervical lenght and if your dilated.
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