wats wrong with people?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I hate wen someone finds out ur preggo n their reaction is like "damn everyone is pregnant". Um yea lots of people get pregnant every year, isnt that normal?
Oh n u kno wat else grinds my gears wen someone tells me "im going to steal ur child wen shes born". I dnt see that as a compliment, people are so creepy


  • lol..agree..
  • Lol 2 of my friends r preggo as well and everybody swears we planned it. My supervisor actually told me she'd kidnap him once I have him. I hope she's joking but I don't really know her well enough for that kind of joke.
  • @twinkiesmom my aunt who is also my best friend is due a month before me with her third. People think we planned it. As if i planned my first baby at the same time my aunt planned her third. Im not 16yrs old in a pregnancy pact.
    N excatly. A girl that isnt even my friend said that to me n im like girl wtf r u high on?! Cuz it has to be something for u to say that lol i would never say that to anyone.
  • When I found out I was pregnant I called my friend and she said I wouldn't tell anybody bc u could have a m/c or something go wrong! I wanted to punch her in the face! Who says that?
  • Lmao that's what I said. We r grown women. It was a coincidence. N I don't understand y ppl think that's funny. Babies do really get snatched. But u know I've noticed ppl tend to b really rude when you're pregnant whether its kidnapping jokes or weight comments or touching your tummy. Really what is wrong with ppl?!
  • @ta2edblondie i find that to be disrespectful . U obviously are if ur telling ppl! Wtf do ppl think?!

    @autumn_babe my mom n friend were the same way! Im like wow how the hell is that the first thing u think about wen i say im pregnant? So much for not stressing out a pregnant lady rite? Ppl are ridiculous. I put a pick up of my tummy on fb n my mom flipped cuz i wasnt 3mnths yet im like its not bad luck, like a superstition. Ppl jus choose not to say anything to spare feelings

  • @twinkiesmom exactly! N u never kno if they will be snatched by someone u kno! Esp if u dnt kno them that well, y would u be comfortable enough to say that to someone?! Its cute wen my grandma says it but its not cute coming from a chick i barely spoke to in high school.
    i hate ppl commenting on my weight. My mom is a bit heavy set so wen my aunt saw me she said "damn ur nose is big. U look like ur mom, ur fat." That was the most rude n disrespectful thing i have ever heard. Lets jus say i dnt even speak to that witch (switch w with b) anymore
  • Haha all Makin me giggle, also when people are like do you know what your having? when i say no they say you finding out and then i say yeah and then there like oh i like surprises that really annoys me for some reason :/ lol
  • @ProudMommie627 I know! People kill me! The same girl wouldn't talk to me for awhile bc she was trying to get pregnant, and said she was jealous that I was!
  • @samiuk wait they tell u that THEY like surprises?! Wth lol so get pregnant n keep ur own baby a surprise!!
  • I hate when people say "your pregnant again" umm yeah. I wanna say bitch yeah is there a problem lol acting like I have a lot of kids or something. ugh ... venting sorry lol
  • @autumn_ babe oh no! U do not need a friend like that. I dnt wanna say this but she can probably be the type to wish harm to u or ur baby bcuz of jealousy and that is so sad. U dnt need to worry about someone being jealous of u for something so wonderful
  • @blessed1508 as if they take care of ur kids?! I always wondered why peopl care if someone else reproduces. Its not ur child so wat the heck u care for
  • I also hate wen someone finds out ur preggo and the first thing they say is "u better invite me to ur baby shower". Wth? Do u think thats the first thought in my mind. Some nerve making my pregnancy about YOU!!
  • @proudmommie627, I would have snapped and really hurt her feelings. Your Aunt was wrong and out of line.
  • @proudmomnie627 I know if they are not the one screwing me they don't have to worry about the baby lol
  • @cristinalynn i had a few choice words for her but decided not to get crazy in my grandmothers house. Trust me shes screwed in life already bcuz she is a very ugly person n has said n done things way worse. Nature is already taking its course on her
  • @ProudMommie627 yeah we don't talk much now!

    Someone else who gets on my nerves is my grandmother! She is always saying your not gonna be able to have that baby!
  • Yeah @ProudMommie627 they look really disappointed when we say were finding out its people i don't talk to a lot either everyone in my family excited about finding out even Though they said surprise at first just cos its first baby in a while in family and its fetched my mam and aunt closer together :D
  • @blessed1508 i stopped talkin to ppl. Wen they found out im pregnant they were like "wow thats crzy. Why?! U shouldnt have a baby" smh i could never be friends with anyone who reacts like that. I kno not everyone will be happy for me but once u say things like that i feel u disrespected my baby n u will be on my shit list. I dnt mind losing all my friends for happiness with my babygirl.
  • @autumn_babe omg why would she say that?

    @samiuk its always someone u barely talk to, to say things like that. All that matters is how u, ur family and close friends feel. Its not their baby for them to make that decision for u. Let them be disappointed all they want, at least u wont be:)
  • @proudmommie627 that's understandable. I am 4 months all my friends are excited. I just told my mom this weekend I am pregnant and I still haven't told my dad or two of my sisters lol grown and on my own and scared to tell daddy so sad lol
  • I know i just laugh things some people say lol they live shallow lives haha x x
  • Or when people tell you, get ready cause your life is over!!! That pisses the crap out of me!!!!! I feel like our lives are just beginning!! Or when they ask me if I'm scared..Heck no im not scared...and if I was why would i tell a complete stranger?!! lol
  • @blessed1508 aw thats so cute! I was actually afraid to tell my mom before my dad cuz i can talk to my dad about anything. My mom is the one with strong, unpredictable reactions. But im sure ur dad will be so happy for u once he sees how happy u are
  • @blessed1508 we was really sacred to tell his mum and granma but his granma is really really excited she asked if she could knit things for baby cos her daughter said i don't like um and sold them all last time she knitted i think that's so cruel even if i didn't like them i would of said yeah and put baby in clothes she did when we went to see her
  • @samiuk yea and some people can be really jealous of ur happiness and try to conceal it

    @ahuyser omg thats so rude! I would curse someone out, stranger or not. Some ppl have too much balls to say things like that. N who would think their life is over, is that wat they think of their own children? N ur rite it is jus beginning. Im so excited to start my life wit my baby, i feel like my life has so much more meaning and purpose. If anything my life was over before i was pregnant bcuz i never experienced a love like this
  • @proudmommie627 doubt it. if my bf finds a decent job and if he finally puts ring on my finger then he will be happy lol but I am the baby girl my family hates to see I am growing up but whatev. how many wks r u and is this your first
  • edited March 2011
    I dont want to insight the wrath of the prego moms but maybe all those comments wouldn't b so annoying if u were not prego. lol. but what do I know. im mot carrying a growing child inside my belly. lol. but for future reference I shall not make jokes about taking a baby. or saying. damn ur prego again. lol
  • @proudMommie627 so true!!! Feeling his little feet kicking, and just knowing he's safe inside my tummy is the most amazing feeling ever!!
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