low progesterone levels.treatments and options? outcomes?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I am early pregnant. My Dr. Says my progesterone levels are low. I had the Mirena in place for 3 years, removedit last year to ttc. Had chemical pregnancy in oct 2009. Pregnant again in. November 2009, was givin suppositories..didn't always take them on time due to busy lifestyle. Went in for 12 weeks scan. Baby's heart stopped beating at 9 weeks. D and C the next day. (Jan 2010) hd perfect timing with MP cycle in Feb, then again in March (the 3rd) On Cycle day 14, I started Prometrium twice a day. Ovulation occurred on march 9th and 10th. Positive urine test on Sunday the 20th. Increased Prometrium to 3x per day. Positive blood quantative test. Levels (54) on the 21st, but progesterone level was only 10.5..Dr'slike to see it at. 12 or even in 20's. I'm praying about it because I only started increasing the meds on Sunday. Will test blood again on Wednesday, the 22nd.
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